What was your favorite children's horror series? I was always a Goosebumps kinda guy but Are You Afraid of the Dark is good too.
What was your favorite children's horror series...
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Isn't she bisexual?
Imagine hitting the wall so hard your face caved in.
Goosebumps was great
I hate this girl
>tfw you want to marathon AYAOFD?, but you're an old fart now and know you wouldn't enjoy it like you did as a kid
what else do you want I'm already posting on Yas Forums
I did like that Ghost Stories anime. RUN, KEICHIRO! RUN LIKE THERE'S A BIG BLACK MAN AFTER YOU!
She looks like she's ten and forty five at the same time.
So she looks like she's 27.5?
Not what I said
what did u watch?
AYAOTD actually scared me as a kid. Goosebumps was silly, but I liked the dog.
Was there a AYAOTD episode where it centered around an olympic sized pool and being afraid to swim in it or some shit?
this is the one I remember the most, which isn't saying much, there was some spooky skeleton thing in the pool I remember
With the zombie sludge man? Sounds like it.
did we finally get a feetsie pic?
I just looked it up, Tale of the Dead Man's Float. I don't think that one is it. May not even be in this show, it was a 90s kids show like this if it wasn't. I just remember the episode having way darker lighting and like a dark blueish tinge. I think the main boy actor was a somewhat famous child actor. He had a snotty looking face.
Yeah Tale of the Dead Mans Float. Some invisible ghost/skeleton monster lives in a pool killing people. Dumb premise but they made it work, it's still one of the scariest AYAOTD episodes.
Honestly there were a lot of really great episodes that were above a kids show. And sometimes there'd be fantastic visuals. I remember how freaky the werewolf from the pets disappearing episode was, and the weird 1950s chique vibe the whole episode had. And the ghost of the boy who froze to death in the log was full of great shots. Nothing in goosebumps ever came close.
just the one pic
You're here to talk about sperg tits, and that's okay.
All women are "bisexual".
You guys will definitely manage to make her quit. Just like /lit/ did with their booktuber.
If she can't handle us at our worse then she doesn't deserve us at our best.
weinerville was absolute kino. I remember writing a whole essay in elementary school about how it was my favorite show and the teacher just given me this fucking look like I was insane to watch a show named something weiner.
I don't remember Clarissa and salute your shorts and wild and crazy kids being on that long but I guess they were. My memory of 1995 makes it feel more recent than it actually was, all things considered. I remember my brother watching all that Nick Jr shit. I'm surprised Gullah Gullah island isn't something people still watch today. it's actually something a lot of little kids would like, and it's all about a black family so you know it would be pushed in today's media landscape. I also remember the bullwinkle show by name but don't remember what the fuck it was.
yeah there was and I'll never forget it. there were some absolutely freaky episodes that still would be unsettling today as an adult. the five that always stick in my mind that I rarely see brought up on Yas Forums
>boy plays a medieval themed pinball game in a mall and it becomes real. high school crush becomes the princess and it turns into medieval jumanji in a mall. he saves the day but finds out that he's cursed to live out his life as a video game character forever
>girls obsessed with aliens and goes to the secret floor in building where she is convinced that aliens live. they tell her she's been an alien this whole time and she calls their bullshit. episode ends and she turns into an alien just like they said. The creepiest fucking thing I remember seeing as a kid
>kids in a private school realize their friends all sleepwalk at night. they follow them to the Olympic sized pool and discover the schools run by aliens who make the kids collect and hatch their babies as floating eggs inside this giant pool. I don't remember how it ends, but it's implied that the students are replaced by the aliens and nobody survives
>some dick hole kid steals the nose off a Bozo the clown statue at a carnival and the ghost of Bozo chases him around. he can tell us there every time he smells cigars, which is something that a kids show wouldn't do anymore, and at the end he's trapped in the carnival with the clown. pretty sure he survives though. this episode gave me a coulrophobia as a kid
>The very first episode. two siblings, one of them big Pete from Pete and Pete, get lost in the woods. The episode is pretty tame but at the very end they do a first-person near car crash that freaked me the fuck out.
She'll be fine, she has a goal to keep her focused.
Thanks friend now this shit is bringing me back. I've been on a MacGyver binge because my parents always watched it before I was born and that translated into them always watching StarGate with me and my sister because they loved Richard Dean Anderson. I remember some of those episodes though so I might check them out since I'm in an 80s/90s mood.