Someone should edit this and make them all wear masks and praise nurses

someone should edit this and make them all wear masks and praise nurses

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Lucas Moura the football player? Fucking based.

If God is real why didn't he stop Thanos?

All part of his plan.

He did though.


Yup, absolutely ANYTHING that happens is part of his plan. It's very convenient.

The Avengers enacted His will.

That's right. Simple as.

Why would Thor or Superman bow? One's a fucking god anyway and the other's an alien.

>he doesn't know that embodiments of material concepts like Thor are subservient to the Logos
>he doesn't know that the Logos is universal

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Clark was raised Christian by Jonathan and Martha

The one thing I applaud Whedon for in Avengers is that he mentioned that Captain America was a christian and didn't recognize Thor as a god.

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im pretty sure canonically mcu asgardians are aliens

>Yup, absolutely ANYTHING that happens is part of his plan. It's very convenient.

>brainlet has never heard of occam's razor

What? Thor isnt a God.

based virtue signaling user

No they shouldn't.

>occam's razor
babby's first buzzword

>occam's razor

Why are Christians both so dumb yet so smug?

yes it is because it is inappropriately and mindlessly spouted by every free-range twerp with an internet connection and a smug-ass smirk about everything and anything

Why can't atheists present an argument?

Why do you assume anybody talking about God is a christian?

You're convinced that God is dead because there's evil in the world. Then why don't you think He's alive because of the goodness in the world?

>you can't see it, can't feel it, can't hear it or smell it, can't see proof of a past passage on Earth or elsewhere, never know if he's gonna do good or let evil happen but that's even more proof of his existence.
Just believe bro

>you can't see it, can't feel it, can't hear it or smell it
I'm seeing, feeling, hearing, and smelling the universe right now.

and then you decide to attribute it to magical beardo in the sky lol

The friendly grandpa genie idea of God is a a concept for Hylics who can't think in abstractions.

I'm Jewish.

your senses are an abstraction of the physical realm you're in

My senses are the physical realm. They're the only way I experience anything. Abstractions only take shape when they are experienced.

made me think to be honest family

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