What is this movie trying to critique?
What is this movie trying to critique?
>Before I sat down to write Taxi Driver, I re-read Sartre’s Nausea, because I saw the script as an attempt to take the European existential hero, that is, the man from The Stranger, Notes From The Underground, Nausea, Pickpocket, Le Feu Follet, and A Man Escaped, and put him in an American context. In so doing, you find that he becomes more ignorant, ignorant of the nature of his problem. Travis’s problem is the same as the existential hero’s, that is, should I exist? But Travis doesn’t understand that this is his problem, so he focuses it elsewhere: and I think that is a mark of the immaturity and the youngness of our country. We don’t properly understand the nature of the problem, so the selfdestructive impulse, instead of being inner-directed, as it is in Japan, Europe, any of the older cultures, becomes outer-directed. The man who feels the time has come to die will go out and kill other people rather than kill himself. There’s a line in Yakuza which says, “When a Japanese cracks up, he’ll close the window and kill himself; when an American cracks up, he’ll open the window and kill somebody else.” That’s essentially how the existential hero changes when he becomes American. There is not enough intellectual tradition in this country, and not enough history; and Travis is just not smart enough to understand his problem. He should be killing himself instead of these other people. At the end, when he shoots himself in a playful way, that’s what he’s been trying to do all along.
Pimps and politicians
White male rage
White cisheteronormative patriarchy from a post-modsrnist standpoint
But why? Capitalism I assume
The moral of the movie was kys?
But Meursault shoots the Arab
isolation make man weird and maybe bad
Imagine an American writing all this out to make fun of a yuropoor. Oh wait wouldn't happen because we don't care about you and yurocels dont make any movies lmao
kys mutt
The message is that you should either try to fix your life or just kill yourself, rather than sperging out at others
Paul Schrader is American too, retard.
It's true though. And the narrator from Notes from the Underground doesn't kill anyone, but continually projects his self hatred onto others.
Ironically I think american movies and television has instilled this idea of "If I'm going out, you're all coming with me" to the rest of the world, including europe and japan.
>What is this movie trying to critique?
Your taste in movies. You evidently failed.
Do you really think Travis had the mental capacity to try fixing himself?
Why are other countries such cucks and proud of it too
Schrader doesn't critique, he examines. Think pieces on Buzzfeed have rotted your brains.
Taxi Driver is Z tier
A further point is the hypocrisy that would occur if he killed the politician he'd be a criminal, but (for) now he's a "Yank hero" by killing another kind of lowlife
It's a fake quote, retard. Some college dyke made it up for her thesis and some fa/tv/irgin found it.
Wasn't he gonna shoot some politician who had nothing to do with him at first?
why is this movie rated so highly by incels?
He wanted to kill someone and stumbled into a heroic kill by mistake.
He should have just been a cop.
It's real. Schrader is a massive self-hating cuck. Just look up his facebook page
Based,amerisharts utterly and unequivocally BTFO.
Yeah it's real. Ignore that faggot.
Your Sopa de Macaco is almost ready, João
get OUT OF HERE with your FAG ASS namby pamby euro-burro twinkltoes BOOK LEARNING
I don't give a shit. Amerimutts are fucking stupid and fat and pieces of shit. Shut the fuck up.
>why is this movie rated so highly by incels?
>Americans are just fundamentally uneducated
How does this idea account for the uneducated laymen in other countries and particularly well-educated and worldly Americans? The average laborer anywhere in the world isn't usually well-read.
t. neither yuro nor burger
Anyone who thinks this subhuman pedophile was a great philosopher is pretty cringe imo desu
Calm down dude. Americans and Europeans are Friends forever.
Because they missinterpert it like the low iq loser retards they are.