What are good fantasy tv shows

Witcher was pretty bad

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Lazlo and Jaskier are relentlessly handsome.

fags need not apply

The dark crystal.

Legend of the seeker and the outpost

I want a colourful and optimistic fantasy show that's story isn't about empowerment. Preferably something where medieval music like the following wouldn't feel out of place

You're an immature manchild.

Craig Horner is relentlessly handsome.

And you're an insecure manchild.

already saw

how is this series?

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If you like xenas herculeses and legends of the seekers you will like it. The show has perfect waifus. Almost all of them.

>he thinks genre fiction is too mature for puppets

just play skyrim

don't own skyrim

>yes I do love infantile entertainment such as fantasy tv shows like game of thrones
>NOOOOOOOO not the puppet bois not the practical effectino you're gonna do me a frighten

I watched the first episode of Shannara, it was garbage and all the caharacters are stupid


meh, had a lot of potential but all that fill deep and meaningful trash killed it for me.

hold up

Attached: todd.jpg (530x298, 28.89K)

Go give Todd your money.

Attached: how dare you.jpg (800x450, 36.54K)

there are none but there are several good fantasy book series. just pirate audiobooks and go for long walks in nature. you can start with the witcher series

>good fantasy book series
>the witcher

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its good if you like fantasy, you faggot

Yes, it's really good.

honestly it's a pretty average series, I enjoyed then well enough but it's not something I'd ever think about re-reading at some point.

I would rather read more braid tugging from Jordan than that shit.

Why? What's wrong with it?

the only thing bad about it was the costuming and makeup

partially casting sucked too, but based Cavill was spot on.

Game of Thrones seasons 1-4

the Assassin's Creed tv show is pretty good

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>based Cavill was spot on.
What? He's one of the worst miscasts.

The whole thing was bad if you read the books. Because they cut half the stories and changed the other half.
I reckon the only way to enjoy that shit was to go in blind and "turn your brain off"

The Adventures of Merlin from 2009.

>Game of Thrones seasons 1

>Seasons 1 & 4
>then S06E07 - S06E09
>then S08E02, S08E03 and S08E05

i liked it, it was a fun callback to the cheesy fantasy shows from the 90s and 2000s. everyone is trying to compare it to a game of thrones type show but it isnt trying to be, its just a silly fantasy romp. admittedly it does miss the tone of the books/games by being a bit too silly at times, but its certainly not as bad as people on here make it out to be