Cineworld joins AMC in banning films from Universal Studios

>Cineworld, the world’s second largest cinema chain, has followed its rival AMC in banning Universal Studios films from its cinemas when they reopen, after the Hollywood film-maker released Trolls On Tour direct to streaming platforms.

>“There is a certain system of windows which are a custom in the market and this sets the time difference between the theatrical market and other ancillary markets, among them streaming. Any movie that will not respect this window will not be shown in Cineworld group,” Mooky Greidinger, Cineworld’s chief executive, said on Wednesday.

>Trolls On Tour, which was originally due to be released in cinemas this month, was instead pushed out to on-demand platforms such as Google Play and Amazon Prime. Universal previously said that on its opening weekend Trolls generated 10 times more sales than the studio’s next biggest digital release, Jurassic Park: Fallen Kingdom.

>On Tuesday, AMC had said it will no longer release Universal movies in its cinemas as it took umbrage with comments made by Jeff Shell in the Wall Street Journal, which quoted the chief executive of NBCUniversal as saying that the studio expects to release films on-demand as well as in cinemas even after outlets reopen.

>The row could not have come at a worse time for cinemas. Already under pressure from the rapid growth of streaming services, they have been pushed to the brink by the coronavirus pandemic. Operators have had to close the majority of screens during government lockdowns to prevent the spread of the disease, leaving them to shoulder hefty fixed costs with no revenues coming in

The studio/cinema wars continue

Whose side are you on?

Attached: begunthetrollswarshave.png (720x589, 605.67K)

>News source gets both titles of movies cited wrong

Nice proofreading there

Fuck cinemas and the time window between cinema release and home release.

These cinemas are like children throwing a tantrum because they feel threatened.

I would go to the cinema every week if the prices were cheap

Universal are retarded, Trolls 2 has lost around 50 million dollars for the studio despite cinemas being closed and the majority of the world's population on lockdown.
If you can't turn a profit with those conditions then maybe, just maybe, Yas Forums could be wrong about vod being the future.

They could have lost more though if they went for the chains though

And Disney will swoop in and buy a broken down Universal for dirt cheap.
Ignore the money Disney is giving to AMC and Cineworld user. Completely unrelated.

I thought Disney was going broke too.

I'm sure that's because there's a problem with VOD and not because it's fucking Trolls 2, right?

True, it was on track to do horribly anyway. It just highlights the fact that vod isn't the golden way forward that retards are parroting. Vod can be profitable for lower budget and low marketing cost films, but big blockbusters can't turn a profit if released primarily on the medium. Even releasing the next Fast & Furious film on it would lose money for the studio, especially once cinemas and other entertainment competition opens back up.

>Disney was going broke too


to be a journalist is to risk your life every single day, it's ok if they get a few things wrong

theaters are for super poor people to waste money on.
big TVs are cheap and you can eat anything you want at home and use the bathroom anytime you want.
theaters made sense when everybody had a 20" shitbox CRT TV.

The most successful vod in history made $410 million. With marketing costs blockbusters would only make a small profit if equalled that record.
Its a great dream to be able to watch a big new release at home not in a cinema full of cunts, but its not financially viable for the studios.

disney can't afford universal. We're talking disney buying NBC/Comcast/universal. Even if they could, it's a nightmare of anti-trust laws to deal with.

Same was said of Fox at first.
If Yniversal really does get shunned like this, you bet your ass NBC/Comcast will be looking to offload them ASAP. Just split them off.

What movie was it?

>time window

Is that just an unspoken rule or a contractual thing?

>With marketing costs blockbusters would only make a small profit
You don't understand how much of a film's take goes on distribution

Never heard of "Cineworld". That must be the black people theaters where chimps destroy their seats and shoot off guns during a showing of "Annabelle Comes Hime".

They're the biggest cinema chain in the UK.


He's right dumbo, Disney is in the shitter with theaters and parks closed which is all where their money comes from. They were already having low attendence in the new Star War parks and they had a series of bad films doing poorly, and then Bob bought Fox for $70b and all the fox film that were in the pipeline flopped.

And without these distribution costs Universal still spent 60 million marketing Trolls 2.

imagine ruining your relationship with business partners over fucking trolls move

Attached: dork.png (1198x915, 854.32K)

UK cinema company you retard

They wont be able to open the parks before January. Parks used to be their biggest earner, so Q2-Q4 earnings will be much worse than anticipated. Last week Netflix surpassed Disneys market value at 187 billion...

>The studio/cinema wars continue
>Whose side are you on?
despite all their faults, studios actually make movies and theater chains just leech off them and are replaceable

Oh so they're irrelevant

Also I don't think Disney+ is doing very good. It's not enough diverse, which is ironic for a company obsessed with diversity.

>The most successful vod in history made $410 million
even at a 250 million budget that would be a big hit, and that's not taking into account that all they have to do is promote it as if it was a theater movie to make more than that

>the ceo of a major cinema chain in 2020 is named "Mooky"

Cinema chains are cutting their own throats at this point. Who needs cinema, when most people have huge as fuck televisions?

Attached: Samsung Wall.jpg (1280x720, 148.59K)

His real name is Moshe. You mlight realize why he uses a nickname. I notices a lot of jews use a nickname. Ike Perlmutter's real name is Isaac.

The wall is a tad bit too expensive now
I think like 100 plus k for that setup
But video display technology is moving very rapidly, so price could drop drastically soon enough

Who cares? Cinema will be dead once this is over.

Seems stupid to me. I don't think cinema chains that are visibly bleeding out are really going to be able to strongarm a movie studio in the medium term. Studios have royalty owning IP, cinemas are empty rooms nobody wants to go to.

I don't know if this is the case in the US but certainly UK cinemas have been almost wiped out before, mostly by colour TV (Star Wars kind of brought it back).

Doesn't Trump currently own the Trademark for "the wall"?

>Yes, I do exclusively play DVDs on my 100" TV