What the fuck happened with The Hobbit movies...

What the fuck happened with The Hobbit movies? I was so happy with the LoTR series and so very frustrated by the Hobbit films. I though Peter Jackson was my boy and he was just a money grubbing fuck at the end.

I don't post on Yas Forums often so apologies for my newfaggotry. I think of the films as unabashed laziness, but maybe I missed the point, but I'm welcome to hearing other thoughts.

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Hobbit movies were shot like the LotR movies except the source material isn't really the same. Hobbit is a light adventure. They also dragged it out into three movies.

I think the CG stuff and the dragging out are the worst parts. But I see what you mean in them being different genres.

Even though the Lotr PJ trilogy wasn't completely loyal to the books you could tell the people working on it loved the source material and poured their heart and soul into it. By the time they got to make The Hobbit they literally didnt give a shit anymore. Passion was dead. You could tell they didnt respect the book at all as soon as they announced the movie would be split up into parts.

The 1977 cartoon movie is a way better adaptation with an amazing soundtrack.

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>. I think of the films as unabashed laziness
Get that cactus out of your ass. The Hobbit films are overall fine unless you think the original films are homophobic white supremacy.

The real issues were hiring Del Toro at the start (who threw a temper tantrum and quit because he was asked to marginally compromise) instead of Jackson the whole way. CGI not being as good, and separating it into a trilogy. And these don't make the movie as shit as whores like Lindsey Ellis claim in their lie filled videos.

>what the fuck happened?

Jackson wanted a film to round off his masterpiece, the Jew Executives told him he needed to make another 3. So he lost all faith.

>hurr if you don't like soulless cash grab adaptations of classic books you must watch Lindsey Ellis videos!

If you didn't check the fuck out after seeing Legolas Mario jumping, forced elf/dwarf romance, and that obnoxious Alfred character shove gold into his fake titties, you're either posting from the tard asylum or just weren't even paying attention to the movies at all. I love the Lotr trilogy but The Hobbit trilogy was an abomination. Making it into 3 movies did in fact make it shit, there wasn't enough material so they kept making shit up. It's called padding, dumbass.

The Hobbit movies have some good scenes in the but overall they are a complete mess and very inconsistant.
Riddles in the dark is absolute kino, as is Bilbo and Smaug, compare that with the dwarves skittering around Smaug melting the gold etc and all the inconsequencial shit in 5 armies with cartoonish action with no stakes at all.
One stand out scene is where they all trip the fuck out in Mirkwood, I dunno why but I really like that scene.

It was dead when they announced it as trilogy.

They didn't do the pre-production cycle and Jackson only came into it last minute without preparation. In addition, The Hobbit is a small novel suited to being (1) solid movie, not a 3 part epic that ends up feeling like butter spread across too much bread.

>I though Peter Jackson was my boy and he was just a money grubbing fuck at the end.
If you think this it's really worth watching the making of documentaries. Peter Jackson was the only thing holding those movies back from the abyss. He had no where near the shooting or preproduction time he had for Lord of the Rings and the fact that The Hobbit movies form a coherent story at all is kind of a miracle. If I'm not mistaken he essentially did it as a favour to the studio because they were up shit creek after Del Toro left. In the BTS footage he looks completely stressed, tired, and overworked. It wasn't laziness at all. I mean shit, just look at him at the start vs at the end of production.

No, they're not amazing but there's still more spirit and vision to them than most blockbuster's today.

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Fantasy as a genre got pozzed hard
For the love of god don't look at what happened to Warhammer if you used to play that

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If he had any dignity he would have refused

Partially but by adding the third movie they included some of my favorite material from The Quest for Erebor so this wasn't a problem. Yes, the source material wasn't on part with LOTR you don't have to accept it, it was weird when Tolkien tried to connect them it's weird now I can watch it just fine as a prelude to a bigger story.
Also I recommend the appendices. Absolutely illuminating just like the LOTR appendices.

>Gandalf Iframe dodging a troll multiple times
I'm glad I didn't watch this shit show

They're not on par with LOTR, but you're just an autistic retard.

Studio meddling.

the interesting part is that they get worse with each installment.
1 is imo a very good movie, 2 is meh but has some good moments, 3 is cringe

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Some of my favorites stories from the set are from the Hobbit like when they built an entire Bree set just to film the short prologue for the second movie and invited locals to be an extra and share their stories.

Schizo alert

Its the fat cunt Guillermo del Toro fault for baling right before shooting. Peter Jackson had to jump in last minute and plan as they when. They were making props minutes before shooting.

Reminder that if you don't see orcs are caricatures of black people, you are a racist.

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OP here. One thing about the Hobbit series that bothered me was using celebrity to draw in the crowd. When they announced that Bendydick cucumber was the voice of the dragon, and that the weasely fuck from the office was Bilbo, (I like him for the record) I literally didn't care. I was used to Jackson picking the right people for the roles. I just saw so much wrong that I didn't even bother seeing the last of the trilogy.

Get fucked, although I agree Fellowship is the best

The last was the cringiest, you dodged a bullet

>swanky 70s music
>weird kaleidoscope effect when things are killed
it's fun but come on it's not a respectable adaptation either

Martin Freeman was perfect for Bilbo though, what you wanted a big star like fucking Johnny Depp or something?
Smaug was also great.

If you mean for the final battle then they took a year long break and shot it during pick ups so they could have enough time to plan it correctly. They had similar problems during ROTK where they rushed through the final scenes (some of the most important and emotional) before they got their shit together and remade it properly. And for some reasons the biggest problem with post production was for the second Hobbit which was finished right as it was supposed to be shipped for the premiere it was very tense.

I think he was worried how the movie would have turned out with another director.

The thread is about The Hobbit trilogy retard.

The soundtrack was amazing, wtf do you mean swanky 70s music? It's not like Down Down to Goblin Town sounds like Funkytown.

Complaints about the animation I can understand, though the kaleidoscope thing was probably done out of censorship as it was a childrens movie. I don't think that prevents it from being a respectable adaptation, it's not like the point of Tolkein is to have a bunch of blood and gore. My biggest complaint is that the elves look completely fucked up.

>any scene with Legolas
>any scene with Radagast
>any scene with Alfrid
>Smaug being an incompetent retard
>all action scenes are cartoonish bullshit
>especially that terrible scene with the barrels
>elf-dwarf romance
>terrible CGI
>CGI orcs
>CGI elves
>CGI dwarves
This is multiple hours of dogshit, not just ten minutes.

Yeah the casting was generally pretty great and Freeman for sure was spot on. Could have been such a great one off movie - has anyone made a cut of it like this?

I only watch fanmade 40k lately. Astartes was pretty cool. I'm sad to hear GW stuff is getting worse. I'd be (morbidly) interested to hear the worst of what you've seen lately.

The only thing I didn't like was the CG orcs.

Looked like absolute ass compared to LOTR.

the first two are bretty gud but not as good as lord of the rings of course. the battle of the five armies however is a fucking disaster, extended included

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I know that there are few 1-movie cut versions but which is the best?

A few were if they changed their design. And goblins had cgi heads because animatronic heads didn't work as well as they liked. Besides that there's plenty of real sets and effects one thing that's lacking compared to LOTR are miniatures I don't remember a single one.

None, the story can't work in this medium if directly adapted 1:1.

OP here. I don't know shit about movies but;
Pick one. I am a pleb at storytelling and even I know you can adapt a story if you avoid attempting to recreate it via 1:1, and I'd you're dealing with modern tech vs old tech there's really no excuse in making proper adaptations aside from laziness and expedience.

40K is almost safe, although they introduced another line of marines with a new retarded lore to justify changing their proportions, and some of the new miniatures can be an hit-and-miss
But WHFB... the old setting doesn't exist anymore and has been replaced by a lul so randumb hodgepodge of differently themed "planets" like Magic or something like that. They shit out random models without any coherence

Oh, and all the names have to be copyrightable now so you get stuff like pic related. It's even worse if your books are translated in another language since the names have to be kept in English, and the whole thing reads like a catalogue

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The Hobbit story was later "updated" by Tolkien in the appendices that explain what Gandalf was doing so unless we allow the movie to have a wall of text at the end to explain it it's fair to let them include the material from Quest for Erebor. Or to give Bard depth so he's not such a random new character who just killls Smaug. Or doing something with dwarves so they're more than rhyming names.