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I believe so


Yes, but I'm not sure how you got that from this movie.

Yeah pretty much

yes that woman detective was a retard

would impregnate


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not her in Gone Girl though


Everyone was a convenient retard in this film. The FBI doesn’t just ignore signs of a murder because of a national media campaign. This film makes police look idiotic because it follows no real policing protocol. If you’d set it in the Wild West you might have gotten me to play along with lazy officials

Are you 12? You actually believe amerimutt police are the least bit competent? Do you know how many serial killers have been captured and released by retarded mutt cops?


Women are so cute bros, I love them

Attached: edgy.png (500x333, 251.91K)

That was before methods were developed to identify psychopathic and intelligent killers who could cover their tracks and lie effectively

Those people are not easy to catch

actually not the point of the book/movie at all.

I feel like I could get away with real murder pretty easily ngl

>Those people are not easy to catch

Gary Ridgway had an IQ in the low eighties and got away with it for twenty years. Dahmer got caught with a naked man begging to be saved and convinced the cops it was just his high boyfriend. Richard Chase got caught rolling around in animal blood naked on a beach and convinced cops he had just cut himself.

Not to mention how differently female psychopaths behave from males and being much, much less common.

Attached: bloody orgasm.webm (1280x532, 2.99M)

The worst.


>this is ok to show
>but her nipples are off limits

A stranger maybe, not easy to get away with killing your spouse or family members.

Poots didn't want to show her tits, it wasn't the movie. Ratajkowski shows hers and Affleck and NPH both show their dicks.



How do I do that?

god damn mommy please

>posts a tranny

Imagine if a man had written a novel like Gone Girl
He would be crucified


What movie is this from actually?