Have any of you noticed how women dont give a shit about sexual assault unless they can weaponize it against white...

Have any of you noticed how women dont give a shit about sexual assault unless they can weaponize it against white Republican men?

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Yes, I have. What does that have to do with Yas Forums, though?

all women are whores

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Seems like it's white women attacking white men to me

They tried giving a shit about sexual assault. But then almost a dozen women came forward saying Trump assaulted them, before and after his election, and nothing bad happened sooooooo....

Clarence Thomas isn't white

>Have any of you noticed how women dont give a shit about sexual assault unless they can weaponize it against white Republican men?
Wow. Mind-blowing. It's almost as if women just say whatever they have to say to get their way and this isn't and has never been about principles or right-and-wrong.

what level of cope is this

Media wasn't silent about the allegations against Trump though

Not true, 90% of the guys who got got during #metoo were liberals.

Seems like your post is Yas Forums shit bro

So if they have stopped caring about sexual assault they'll have no qualms voting for Trump now right? We know Trump is a Chad who likes to grab them by the pussy, something beta orbiting incels like you can only dream of, but at least he isn't a pedo who gets off to sniffing little childrens hair in public

Literally every defense of Trump ever.

>sooooooo.... yeah... this is unironically what I've been telling myself at night

#metoo was originally only supposed to be for Trump and GOP personalities like Roger Ailes and Bill O'reilly

just stop
if something is wrong it's always wrong, don't bullshit me
what happened to 'no malarkey' joe

Nah that's not true. There was Cosby and then it immediately started hitting Hollywood dems and comedians before it got to Fox News

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That's because they're the biggest predators tho, like Democrat party funders Epstein and Weinstein (who coincidentally are both jewish)

>grab them by the pussy
>actual predator

What is the DNC going to do when ads of Biden being a creepy sex pest on the senate floor start running nationwide? Bernie unironically is the cleanest politician ever and he got railroaded again.

Yas Forumstard, Yas Forumstard go away
come shit post another day

lol at this redditfag

groups in question probably see biden as the lesser of two evils

Or American politics are so hyper-partisan that there's intense pressure not to rock Biden's already rickety boat. It's like how for all their hemming and hawing, Bernie supporters will still buckle down and vote Biden, because if Trump wins they're going to be crucified by Dems.

More like they were either paid off or threatened in some way.

When Trump ran in 2015 he threaten multiple times that he would run 3rd party unless he was treated fairly by the GOP. When doesn't Bernie do the same?

>speak out about a guy raping multiple women
>heh typical Yas Forumsltard

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Because Bernie is a tool of the DNC to rally progressive voters to vote for the DNC pre-determined candidate

fuck off cunt i'm going to die cause faggots like you couldn't just shut the fuck up

>When doesn't Bernie do the same?
Because he knows that's a lost cause. Teddy Roosevelt was popular as fuck and instead of making the Bull Moose party viable he just let that idiot Wilson get in.

Based and redpilled

Explain Stewart Smalley

They're not "silent" about what Biden's being accused of either. You've just given them to space to say "yeah, he did wrong, but he's running for president so we're going to BENEVOLENTLY forgive home ;^)”
You brought this on yourselves.

>television & film