It's too cold to masturbate

It's too cold to masturbate.

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It's 70 degrees out

Attached: racist frog [8].jpg (690x596, 223.71K)

Wear gloves

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It's too hot to masturbate.

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Dumb frog posters

there's a problem with my prostate and I'm too lazy to go to a doctor

Dumb dumb frog posters poster

It's 50 where I am.
I don't have gloves and the shops are shut.

Dumb dumb dumb frog posters poster poster


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get a fleshlight and warm it up

Lads, is nofap a meme or does it work?

Dumb dumb dumb dumb frog posters poster poster poster, can't even link the right post

It works at destroying your libido and ruining your sheets.

Oh shit you're right what the fuck I'm gonna kill myself now

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Wouldn't it do the opposite though? Like wouldn't you be hornier than ever if you didn't jerk off every other day?

Yes, it generally gives you more energy, more focus, more empathy and more confidence. This is from someone who's done it on and off for years.
I'd recommend meditating if you do pursue it though.
>ruins your libido
Nice meme, it does no such thing. It's a good reset though. I personally believe jerking it to your imagination once a week is optimal for peak mental and physical performance but everybody should try a month of nofap and quit porn for good.

when you stare into the dumb, the dumb stares back at you - Fred Nitchy

>ruining your sheets.
i cum in my sleep after some time, huge dealbreaker

Just let it dry retard, you should be washing your sheets each month anyway.

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for what purpose? fucking girls? sure (you will be a premature ejaculator @the first nut though)

now some people think retaining semen gives them superpowers, they want to achieve "monk mode" the most idiotic way to torture themselves and destroying their libido

>only cooms once a month
>thinks his libido isn't fucked

Or do you just sleep in several ejaculations worth of dried semen?

>you will be a premature ejaculator
just do daily kegel exercises then
>torture themselves
More like train willpower. If you can resist your most primal urge then resisting other timewasters and temptations becomes easier. Meditation makes it easier too. But ultimately, nothing good comes easy.
>Destroy their libido
Absolute myth, I've done NoFap for 3 months and it does no such thing. It does make you realize pussy ain't no thing and you actually get some fucking standards and a bit more self-respect, it's freeing in a way.
Nigga I can coom 6 times a day if I want to, I just have self-control.

God I wish I were your sheets

>not interested in sex anymore
>can go a month with no nocturnal emission

Keep telling yourself that everything's normal, tranny. You won't be able to get it up by the time you're 40.

Do you have a girlfriend?

when it's really hot outside, i like to turn my humidifier on and masturbate naked

Dangerously Based

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>torture themselves
More like train willpower. If you can resist your most primal urge then resisting other timewasters and temptations becomes easier. Meditation makes it easier too. But ultimately, nothing good comes easy.
oh youre one of those kids that deny their biological urges for no reason other than reading books or learning new hobbies, people been masturbating since the dawn of time, pretty much every successful person masturbated regularly and/or fucked other ppl,
now look at the nofap community
a bunch of underachievers virgins that believe every single infograph presented to them.
nofap is a glorified internet challenge for weak and gullible people

I tried nofap for three weeks last year and by the third week I was having wet dreams every other day. Just too much to handle.

Have you had sex?

Yes, 3 times, now answer my question.

>I'm just like my trad ancestors who got married at 15 and fucked constantly until they had 12 kids

Based retard. The Bible isn't even explicit about masturbation, nofap is retarded.


-guys 2weeks here this is hard as fuck

-oh man im feeling euphoric, girls look at me, idgaf i need to focus on my goals

-guys my voice is deeper thx to nofap

-guise i feel smarter i swear, im using the 100% of my brain now

-guise...i think i have telekinesis

-guise :( i relapsed, my dumb biological urges fucked my new persona, i feel so demoralized, im starting again tomorrow! until i achieve my goal, a noble goal, not having erections :.)


dishonest strawman all the same

>went to a store in latex gloves to get some groceries
>came back and my hands were literally dripping with sweat
hot is the real struggle

maybe i could do with less than once a day but if i don't coom for a couple of weeks i get the constant feeling of having to pee. it's literally unbearable and the longest i ever did was probably 3 weeks or so

I once forgot my key into the house in December and had to sleep nearby. I masturbated to warm my body up.

>it's a Truman masturbates in public episode

Masturbating has ruined my penis. Or maybe it wasn't masturbating but something has ruined my penis.

Give me her number.

oh nooooo i RELAPSED!! now im free of the burden of having to maybe come to terms with the idea that the vision ive created of an enhanced version of myself isnt real!!!!!! gosh darn it now im just left with a justification to feel like shit and not do anything about it, and definitely not reconsider how/why ive developed a monomania about my genitals