>Any kinos with this feel?
Any kinos with this feel?
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who is this fraulein?
Reminder the Nazis were crossdressing degenerates.
Reminder the Nazis literally got rekt by a bunch of leftists.
Reminder their leader was a pussy and killed himself.
Reminder that you're a fat ugly neckbeard who would have been slaughtered by said degenerates.
Yeah, okay, schlomo
>denying the fact that Stalin made Hitler his bitch
Bear Island?
wtf homo and transphobic much.?,;,??.
>the Nazis were not crossdresse-
Source on this kino?
Soldiers are degenerates, news at 11!
looks like a joke unlike pic related which the most fervent nazi haters push for
>i-its a joke when its from my side
They're both crossdressing trannies who deserve the rope.
>Looney Tunes was actually a show to groom kids into being cocksleeves
lol ok
>A joke vs. a fetishistic way of life
guys...i'm crying right now
What kind of mental gymnastics was this post?
Holy fucking cope lmao
The absolute state of zoomer revisionism doesn't even know what's in Looney Tunes
I find it interesting how, let's say left leaning people, who are supposed to be so progressive and love the gays and trannies, and many of them are gays and trannies, still use being gay or crossdresser as an insult against people whenever it suits them.
I would like to share an relevant anecdote, me and a number of my friends and their friends are on a whatsapp group and most of us are right leaning in various degrees, but some are lefties and one was very vocal about his distaste of right leaning politics and he posted one day this picture of gay neonazis, no doubt an attempt at edgy humor as is the norm in this group and i pointed this interesting contradiction to him, how suddenly using homosexuality as a bludgeon is acceptable to him, as long it's directed towards his 'enemies', he left the group not long after.
He's using it to let you know your idols are just like the people you hate. Also
>using whatsapp
Fucking pajeet lmao
Hell yeah, I'm an anglo chad like Churchill. 'ate pakis, 'ate soi, 'ate merkel. Love me meat, love me booze, love my cigars, love to slap my missus when she starts bitching. Simple as.
I know you are a historically illiterate imbecile, but let me tell you this, crossdressing was a joke during those times and it was practiced for amusement, drinking was often involved. And not only in germany.
What fucking idols you moron?
>using whatsapp
>Fucking pajeet lmao
Look mom, i'm trying to fit in!
What's it like being a retard who knows absolutely nothing of things he is trying to shitpost about?
Imagine living in the US and cheering for the Nazis. I am willing to bet money that none of you pussies would represent a swastika outside in public lmao
can you faggots stop sperging out and give me the sauce?
does /gif/ not have a functioning archive? the one 4chanX redirects me to doesn't work when you try watching the videos.
dumb project where the question is "what if a jew had access to instagram during WW2"
weebum filled me with joy, pure kino, thanks user