Why did the fbi force 82 people to burn to death?

Attached: waco.png (1039x608, 822.01K)

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Because they had it coming

Why do you think the government is here to help?

Cause the government told you since you were 5.

Because of his impromptu rock concert

It was that many? Wow that is a fuck up

Why ddin't the FBI take the shot when he was singing at the window?
He was the one person stopping everyone from surrendering and coming out alive.

Stockpiling weapons, fucking children, and being smug is a combo that attracts the attention of the government

And no one was held responsible. Yet.

Why didn't the ATF arrest him when he was in town or on is daily run?

because the atf is a gang of criminals who wanted revenge for getting btfo'd when they tried to raid the house

Because it would alert everyone else to start hiding evidence.

So the answer is to burn the kids you're trying to save? Fed logic.

>fucking children

fbi psych-op to make their fuck up look less bad

What evidence? The incendiary grenades with FBI serials?

oooooh no how will they dispose of dozens of illegal guns...oh wait they were all legal and the Feds had even inspected them at a firing range.

Since when does Yas Forums side with child raping extremist christian cults who self immolate?

>child raping extremist christian cults who self immolate?
>he bought the propaganda
The feds are not your friends. They will lie, fabricate evidence and conspire against you when it is convenient for them and laugh at your charred corpse while media applauds their actions. The feds had every opportunity to not burn all those people alive and at every single impasse they charged headlong into the shitshow that became inevitable. All beacuse they wanted to flex their big government agency muscles.

Attached: Waco.png (927x2380, 335.05K)

The concert really happened ?

>believing an anons post on a chinese basket weaving forum

Support them or get the fuck out of this country

>needing to believe shit
>not doing your own research into ruby ridge and waco after OKC and info about mcveigh came out back in the 90s
lurk moar

David Koresh and his flock knew they had it coming. You don’t just kill 4 Johnny Laws and think you can get away with it. Not without repercussions.

>stockpiling weapons is wrong
>because it makes you dangerous
>but I fear the government
>the government is so safe they’ll burn you to death to prove it

Hence the smug being a key competent in why they went after him

They could just have left the building

Not being a bootlicker is a death sentence?

guess we need to kick some glowies out of the country

Into the gun fire and while disoriented by flashbangs/C4...?

I don't get whats so hard for you to understand
>be living off the grid
>in a hippie commune
>believe in extremist end of days ideologies
>routinely have sex with underage girls
>stockpile firearms which looks suspicious
>fire on atf when they come knocking
>have standoff with fbi and refuse to surrender for 50 days
>refuse to send out innocent children
>self immolate killing their own children

Koresh was known to be mentally unstable, he refused to come out alive, and instead they burned themselves to death.

sheep can't contemplate the idea that they might be next, or caught in the crossfire, of the next slaughter

No it’s shooting at and killing the police, retard.

Grow a fucking brain.

kill yourself, glownigger


thread theme:

>child rapist

This post glows

>stockpile firearms which looks suspicious

Exercising your rights is not constitutionally or legally a pretext for investigation.

>fire on atf when they come knocking
bullshit the feds shot first, this is well documented

>self immolate killing their own children
either you don't know what you're talking about or you're deliberately repeating government lies to cover up their murder

Fuck yeah, bud

I can see your glow from here, user

>bullshit the feds shot first, this is well documented
Actually it's entirely hear say, would you believe some cultists nut jobs or a task force designed to protect and serve

And the feds could have just left the property they were on unlawfully

Is lost boys good? I've been meaning to watch it for awhile

Feds had a warrant faggot.

>i still believe
>my sharona

Guns were illegal. Not all Davidiabs ran outside when the fire slowly caught onto the complex. It was documented that some of them ran outside but the rest stayed thus it was considered a mass suicide.

Why the fuck would you stay in a burning building?

I miss him bros

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>you must be a fed if you’re smart enough not to shoot at one of the many pillars of your society with the backing of 90% of your countrymen

I see I’m speaking to a dirty europoor or a faggot commie

I can't take someone with such atrocious grammar seriously. I sincerely hope English is not your first language.