Alcohol again? wouldn't be surprised

alcohol again? wouldn't be surprised

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fuck em

As an alcoholic myself I know this morning after feeling all too well.

is that eggy?

Looks like he’s had a 18 karat run of bad luck.

you mean as an alchohol, you are familiar with hangovers?

The game was rigged from the start.

why do some people have cursed lives

For some reason he was completely fucked after Friends. I'd love a documentary on what drugs he got on.

It’s opiates, he’s a pill addict

The truth one told me life was going to be this way.

I'm glad these millionaire fuckers who made their money playing retards on TV decide to do nothing but get fat and take fancy vacations instead of, you know, fight for the people.

this nigga could lose a million dollars every two weeks or so for this entire year and he still might come out ahead given his Friends residual checks

Could he BE any more fucked up?

if I had all that money, I'd hire a team of personal trainers

He overdosed on klonoa

Alcoholics don't get hangovers, they get withdrawal which feels 10 times worse and can be potentially fatal.

We get hangovers unless we start the day with more alcohol.

Hangovers are a form of withdrawal. Not every alcohol is a raging alcoholic. I can get blackout drunk 4 days in a row and just have a really bad hangover. Fatal withdrawal is usually just for really bad alcoholism.

OPs pic looks like alcohol. If it’s from the past few weeks, it’s definitely alcohol. I kicked back into my alcoholism with a vengeance since I’ve been stuck at home under quarantine.

Man Mark Kozelek is looking rough these days

What are you some kind of gay democrat or something? An actor is not the best kind of person to fight for the people no matter how much money they have. Plenty of them give to charities anyway.

I’m about to hit the same point. I’ve been good about moderation but quarantine is driving my crazy. I just want to get drunk and fuck some sluts

Me too. I work from home and I am dangerously close to getting drunk and logging into work hung over as shit tomorrow morning.

he looks fat

that man needs friends. and a drink..or three.

>I don't drink alcohol
>I don't smoke
>I don't do drugs
>I don't drink coffee, energy drinks or sugary drinks

yup, that's me

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He was completely fucked during Friends

its pretty common honestly, sean williams scott is the same and a bunch of others

I think this is just a depressive message about success in general. Even if you become world famous and rich, there is nothing funnier to do than just get blasted again and again.

Jon Ham too.

Don't you have dopamine receptors? Or just fry them with porn, video games and Yas Forums?