Why does Yas Forums like this movie so much?

I really don't understand the reasoning behind the celebration of this movie. The plot is slow and predictable and the drivel about humanity is just some generic, pseudo-thought provoking bullshit.

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The plot isn't about humanity.

>Why does 4 chan like it?
>just some generic, pseudo-thought provoking bullshit.

It's a great modern representation of the basic hero's journey and it speaks fairly directly about how alienated a large portion of internet dwellers feel in relationships. The pseud shit only really comes in with Jared Leto and he's the weakest part of the movie anyway.

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pretty pictures and a social inept loner with a virtual waifu

tits or gtfo

I forgot he was in it lmao you could honestly take all that jazz out about machines giving birth to machines and inheriters of humanity bs and it becomes a really interesting murder mystery. Fucking loled when the resistance shit popped up

cope incel

Because one day we'll replace you with 10/10 sexbots and this day will come very soon.

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Because of that one scene that perfectly encapsulates all of Yas Forums.

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>bro watches 2049 with his girlfriend
>he clearly didn't understand it or really pay attention, just talk about how hot Joi was and think it's cool they told you K is a replicant off the bat
>his gf talks about how it dealt with K's search for meaning and how it reflects on modern society and shit

wtf guys I thought you said girls would never understand it

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shows the meaninglessness of life and how you don't actually matter, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to leave your mark on the world despite that

you have a thing for her dont you?


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Not really, she's pretty gross.

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I think you meant to get on cope.org not Yas Forums

>Yas Forums

Get back to Yas Forums, we don't tolerate your kind here on 4channel.org.

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I think you meant to get on 4cope not Yas Forums

my take as well

>another fucking retard coming in bringing his brainlet plebian take


women think about stuff too, user. they're out there

It's a half-reality of the typical user.

The main character of their own story, he's sad and alone looking for meaning, everything is fake, he does his duty and the world still shits all over him, he gets his hopes up and they're dashed away like nothing, but he's at least handsome and cool action boi this time

I don't know if Yas Forums does like it that much. The movie was coopted into doomer and coomer memes, I hardly see any discussion about its filmic merits.

There was plenty of Film Discussion when it came out. Since then it's devolved into sadposting. That's just the way it goes.

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It's almost as if 99% of people have shit taste. The new Blade runner is shit. I watched it at the theaters and ot was one of the most boring and predictable movie I watched that year.


The part about the main character being a complete bitch over an artificial gf was too cringy. How can I relate to this guy if he cant go an hour without being coddled by a computer program.

because hes literally me

thread was over right here

what's wrong incel? mad you can't be him?