White gang bad

>white gang bad
>black gang good
>jew is victim
burgerland the movie

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I dont understand jail rape. I would assume most of the ones that do it aren't gay and are just trying to assert dominance and break their victim or they're so starved for pussy that they'll take what they can get but I honestly can't fathom bring straight and being so horny you'd fuck a man in the ass. Especially some prisoner in a shitty prison, his ass is probably disgusting.

>white gang bad
>black gang good
Yes. This also applies for White and Black people.

>gets fucked in the ass
>becomes a liberal

Brainlet take
>white gang bad
>black gang bad
>hate is bad
A movie telling white people to stop blaming their problems on niggers and spics.
A movie telling black people to stop blaming their problems on whitey.
The quote at the end pretty much tells you what the story was about, all hate is bad.
It's a good movie that would never be allowed to be released today.
Edward Norton movies are all based.

Thats exactly why you can't take former inmates seriously. Nobody's hard for going to prison. They either fucked or got fucked but in either scenario they're a weird dirty faggot


*record scratch* Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got in this situation

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why did the nigger throw tv at police officer?

>I dont understand jail rape
It's not real. People trade their ass to punks for drugs, or to get out of trouble, and say it was rape later.
Most "prison rape," is junkies buying dope from queers.

I know 2 guys that spent pretty significant time in prison and both said it's mostly made up shit. The only people that get fucked with are people that dont mind their business or think that they're the most bad ass dude in the place and fuck with the wrong guy

>gang bang good
>romantic sex with wife bad

>have sex
>stop being a nazi
That being said, isn't it gay to fuck a man in the ass?

>stop blaming their problems on niggers and spics.
But the niggers are the cause of all their problems

>father dies, because of niggers
>Derek goes to jail, because of niggers
>kid in school gets bullied by niggers
>Danny gets killed by niggers

He obviously lied. He probably killed a white person


>On Prison Island, the only man that cares about Sonic is one that forces him to fuck on a daily basis.

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why are all nazis homosexual

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it's only gay if you're a bottom


Goring sounds like he’d be the only chill one to hang out with

i feel like the ass rape was when the movie jumped the shark. felt unnecessary. especially when used as the catalyst for Edward Norton's change to being less hateful. odd.

It's about the cycle of hate

He has a nice ass no homo

nice ass, I'd definitley have a red hot go at it and before you ask no, im not a homosexual

Gotta feel bad for Petain

>jail rape scene
>straight man has a shaved ass
Nice try

>got an elderly woman to adopt him in his 30s so he could add a "von" to his name
holy fucking kek

>t. muslim

>make bad joke
>get send to the eastern front

If nazis didnt want jews to be able to play the victim card maybe they shouldn't have done that whole holocaust thing. I mean how fucking delusional do you have to be to think THAT plans gonna work out?

>I don't understand jail rape
>also I understand it completely

Edward Norton and Edward Furlong were relentlessly handsome.

imagine being white but having a spic accent

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Knew some dudes who were in prison, they said they never saw or even heard of people getting butt raped, it was all consensual

To be fair they probably don't know what the word coercion is. You know that word that can be used to paint anyone besides the toppest of Chads a rapist.


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Nice ass, Edward Norton. Very nicu assu.