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He was so pretty.

Skynet realized they didn't need a Terminator to do that job

I was talking about the only movie I ever saw him in; T2.

This is now a nostalgia and "where are they now?" thread.

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Mods, why is this antisemitic prick allowed to spew his hatred?

Oh I was talking about Ron Jeremy

He lost most of that weight and tried to get jacked for Dark Fate, only to find out they just wanted to deepfake his face on a kid.

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kekimus max

He looks good

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> I hurt myself today
> To see if I still feel
> I focus on the pain
> The only thing that's real

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>I wasn't like a prima donna, you know how I am. I didn't have that attitude, but in my own head, there were limits on what I would do on screen. My contract was always "No anal" and "No Ron Jeremy", I just didn't want to be associated with the gnarly side of the business, and not just for me, but for my future. Later on I could 'see my shit was really clean compared to..."

Ron btfo

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> tfw the last episode of Scrubs aired over 10 years ago

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lol i was at that small comiccon where he had a mental breakdown. cant believe the people who stood in line just for pics and autographs

Platoon was over 30 years ago

scrubs was garbage

He gets to fuck his daughter, so he's good.

> tfw Buffy ended 17 years ago

My younger self was in love with her

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this is at the rainbow on sunset strip right?
place is based, saw ron jeremy there everynight at 11 on the dot, the bartenders/ waitresses would save peoples leftover from the evening meals and feed them to him when he got there.
told him hes a legend and had a beer with him, he got me laid with one of the 2 sluts that were hanging around. dude picks up almost every night apparently

No he wasn't, he was always a disgusting hairy Jew manlet

>dude picks up almost every night apparently
did he tell you that? i know he used to be pretty famous but he looks like shit now and i seriously doubt many people still know who he is

no the bartenders did.
that night he got some hot 20yo asian, and I got some blonde.
dude didnt even need to try, he didnt look to interested when talking to the asian, they were talking for like 20 minutes then they got in a cab and left.

>porn historian

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>when an over-the-hill ex-porn whore kike -- who specialised in "mature" scenes with knee-knocker, toothless roasties sans dentures -- meets the would-be saviour of the human species -- who, after finding Yas Forums, took the black and gave up the nuclear codes to Skynet -- for one, last drink

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Poor cunt... It wasn't even his fault: any prepubescent kid pulled off of a street corner, to become a star in one of the most seminal sci-fi's in history -- then snubbed and dumped like a dried log of turd, into the coke cauldron -- would be lucky to be alive at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if he's been a snort of shot away from death, on multiple occasions...

He's become the archetypal "what Judenwood does to its processed meat" cautionary tale, and should milk it with some docos or a books as such.

>tfw the Pedowood enclave has no duty of care responsibilities for the kids it uses and abuses

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>dude picks up almost every night

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