Director bullshit

>Dude it was a meant to be a satire parody!
>i never meant for it to glorify war!
Also film makers
>Awesome high budget action scenes with awesome special effects
>Insane heart thumping sound track
>Titties everywhere
>Blood, gore, violence
>Huge machine guns with massive muzzle flashes

I first this when I was 8 yos and had no idea with fascism was but I liked the movie.

Why cant they just admit they put violence an nudity in films to get people to watch them?

Attached: Starship-Troopers-image.jpg (1200x500, 368.57K)

It’s both

No things can only be one thing. Is a dog a cat?

Attached: 220px-Cat-and-Dog.gif (220x160, 11.31K)

I unironically subscribe to it's ideals though, this movie is inspiring. People should be forced to earn their citizenship and rights rather than having it given out like candy. No one values anything they get for free.
Actually got around to watching the straight to dvd sequels recently, they are all D-grade movies but #3 is the only watchable one. 2 is utter garbage.
Shame they didn't continue along with a proper budget, the universe has a lot of potential. It's a pretty simple formula for the movies.

>the universe has a lot of potential
Ok reddit.

We should ban this white nationalist recruitment tool.

Verhoeven is like an idiot savant. He's a complete brainlet, he is a legitimately retarded individual, but he manages to make good movies that very often manage to send the exact opposite message to what he intended.

>implying he has a message and doesn't just make over the top violent films full of gratuitous nudity because hes a degenerate.

I feel embarrassed for you OP.

Nice strawman. Here's what Verhoeven actually said:
>If you wag your finger and say fascism is bad, nobody is interested. So i'm going to show them a fascist society that works. But the truth is it's only good for killing bugs.

It's really quite obvious if you mentally replace the ending "THEY'LL KEEP FIGHTING" with "THEY'VE LEARNED NOTHING"

I always found that message funny. It's like if the original Star Wars (a new hope) was about learning your place and never questioning authority.

You know, like The Last Jedi.

>RoboCop was a critique of neoliberalism
How so?

>had no idea with fascism was but I liked the movie
You're like the retards in the propaganda bits.

>yeah akshually the film is all about keeping the status quo

Since where dropping Verhoeven quotes, here's one

>When I came to the United States I felt that initially I wouldn’t know enough about American culture to make movies that accurately reflected American society. I felt that I would make a lot of mistakes because I would not be aware of things such as expressions and social behavior. I felt I could make science fiction movies because I wouldn’t have to worry about breaking any rules of American society. Science fiction reflects those rules but does not represent them.

>police force is literally owned by a corporation

>yuppies climb the corporate ladder by literally murdering each other

>the message isn’t fascist because they burned books

Because it showed that corporations don't stop for anything to make a profit? Anything can be bought and nothing matters but corps saying they own it. They'd even mutilate a human who hasn't died and claim they'd own him.

>Poe is wrong for daring to question his female superior
>Finn was right for questioning and humiliating his female superior

:big brain:

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 7.73K)

Robocop was intended as a critique of Ronald Reagan. It failed miserably and instead became a critique of government and minority dominated inner cities.

They didn't actually burn the books, you massive retard.

What the fuck does this even mean?

All great stories have themes of heroism, bravery, overcoming, sacrifice, etc. These values are the basis of right wing ideology. Concepts like fairness and equality don’t make for interesting stories

>These values are the basis of right wing ideology
What the fuck am I reading?

>What the fuck does this even mean?
The movie called Poe a sexist pig for questioning authority, when the same thing saved Finn from being killed with the rest of the First Order.

The First Order are the antagonists. Who gives a shit if they get stuck with the shitty end of the stick in terms of fictional fairness?

>I first this when

Check your post first faggot. I'm high as fuck and you nearly broke me. Bad grammar should be bannable.

>Why cant they just admit they put violence an nudity in films to get people to watch them
Congratulations, user. With the help of Starship Troopers, you have figured out how fascism works.
I'll include a less sarcastic reply in case my meaning gets misunderstood: fascism operates on aesthetics. By invoking images of a greater time or greater people, by making death in combat seem glorious and cool, and by making its side appear as the good guys, fascism gains its power. A fascist recruiter is trying to skip past logic with these sorts of emotional appeals. Part of good satire is capturing the essence of the thing being satirized, and Lederhosen managed to do that perfectly.

The point is that Finn and Poe rightfully feared for the lives of not only themselves, but others, which is why they questioned Holdo and Phasma. You can't demonize one because the plot says so, while praising the other. Even if Holdo was in the right, in some alternate universe, maybe she shouldn't have treated Poe like trash for wanting SOME assurance that they weren't gonna die during that slow speed car chase.

>hey Holdo, I know you don't wanna tell us your plan because there might be a spy, but can you at least assure us by telling us that we have a plan


everybody had rights, the only extra rights the citizenship granted was the right to vote and possibly the right to hold a position in the government, as is right and natural.

>What the fuck does this even mean?
That if you ever dare questioning your female superior you better be ready to humiliate her or else you fucked up.

or that you can do as you please as long as you are on the right side of history

It's so weird that people would have a problem with this. Especially when other developed countries like South Korea require mandatory service from their young men.

Shut the fuck up homo

>great narrative ignoring the part where they literally call murphys time of death and the screen fades to black
one of the best transitions and you pretend it doesnt exist?

>giving this much of a fuck about nu-wars.

lol dont you have an old man's dick to suck or something

I'm honestly curious what you're hoping to accomplish with these replies. Not trying to pull some fedora tipping me smarter than you shit here. Do you honestly think anybody would be persuaded in any direction by these kinds of posts?