Why do movies always set up unrealistic expectations?

Why do movies always set up unrealistic expectations?

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i want to have sex with a girl

I guess you should have professed your love for her at graduation?

Your mom's a girl.

>actress who ended up marrying a champion athlete
Yeah her sexual market value is pretty high

Hayden was so fucking hot in this.

Ewwie. Coombrains leave.

I’ve never had sex
Have sex

>tfw you were that kid that always quoted movie lines yet this never happened to you

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>dennis coomermen

Why was he reduced to this shithouse movie, Yas Forums? He was in one of the starring rolls of one of the best 80's films of all time.

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Reddit movie.

only works if she likes you anyway

How would you know unless you make the first move?

Because it's a movie. How come none of the phone numbers from movies work for me?

She has never not been hot, and I say that as one who doesn't typically like blondes.

They fucking butchered her in that poster, making her look like just any old blonde bimbo

Because they block you before you're able to call. You're on a hollywood blocklist for saying something stupid, dumbass. I was able to call Sydney from Scream multiple times becauae I played it cool. We're grabbing Chipotle to-go saturday and watching kinos, as a matter of fact.

Im an avid brunette/latina chaser and I'll admit shes literally the only blonde I would have married. No shit. The only other blonde Ive ever had a crush on besides her, EVER, was fantastic four Jessica Alba. But does that even count?

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The book was good but this movie sucked so much the book's reputation got hurt as collateral damage

I want to have sex with anyone

I feel the same happened with "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell" "Youth in Revolt" and "All The Way" (movie was called Sex Drive)

What was the book like. I no joke will pick it uo for a summer read. These books turned sex comedies end up being hidden gems. Its really a god damn shame. Wish /lit/ talked about them more. Any time I make a thread about this shit it dies within the hour.

who remembers his line in the happening

dude she looks like your typical average af polish or ukranian girl. those shits are a dime a dozen and literally never have class

jesus christ they airbrushed the shit out of her wiith this picture


Imagine how the sex was. He left her when she started getting old tho because he's a fucking Chad

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>this vegetarian hippie fucked both Panettiere and Alexis Bledel in their prime

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I love clean-shaven men.

I've done better than that. You could too if you applied yourself. Prime pussy awaits any man who acts like a man and not like a pussy.

>doing better than early 2000s Rory Gilmore
You're a liar since that's not possible. Anyway it's not so much about "applying myself" as it is that I'm terrified of intimacy and wouldn't be able to get an erection.

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Sorry we have run out, you can have a guy instead.

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