Watching TV with Women

>Watching The Wire with gf
>Up to Season 2, Episode 2
>Get to the end of the episode, where Sergei and The Greek interrogate and kill the crew member over the dead women
>Gf starts asking "Why did they kill him? Couldn't he just get off the ship and explain what happened to them? Or pay them back?"
>Try to explain that there's no way the crew got paid 4 million (the estimated worth of the women as prostitutes) to "pay back" The Greek
>Also try to explain that The Greek is literally a gangster, and would have probably killed them for ruining their "merchandise"
>Also try to explain the crew member was probably scared shitless
>She gets mad and says I'm being too "argumentative" and that her questions are valid

Am I being an asshole? She's been enjoying The Wire and for the most part gets it, but I still have to remind her to pay attention and explain shit to her. She usually asks good questions, but when she has a dumb question, holy shit is it dumb

Pic related, it was the face I was trying not to make when she asked this shit

Attached: 250px-The_Wire_Serge.jpg (250x156, 14.32K)

she's probably going to dump you soon and you'll continue to make that face user

op's getting cucked as we speak

It's easy, don't watch kino with women

She ia dismissimg your answers as argumentative because she doesnt like the explanation, nor are you saying her questions are invalid.
Sounds like shes a whiny cunt whose only real use in life is being a hole.


women dont want men who "think"
they want me who "do"
you are a thinker
tyrone is a doer
tyrone will do her
simple as

This op: Screencap and text her this

>She gets mad and says I'm being too "argumentative" and that her questions are valid

I was in a group chat the other day for a trivia group I'm in and I got some of them to watch The Wire. Anyway, the girls were talking about it and they both said they hated Season 2. Not just didn't like it but hated it and thought it shouldn't have been included
why are women so retarded
what makes them unable to appreciate the finer things in life

I'm no incel but women are genuinely incapable of intelligent thought. Men think and do while women raise kids and cook, that's just how it is

Women are so damned stupid it's unreal


You are only setting yourself up for failure

Sounds sheltered as fuck

You made a mistake OP. There are 3 kinds of works of art, those made for men, those made for women, and those made for both. Only try to enjoy the latter with a woman, The Wire is for men.

Do girls like fishing, bros?

I met a girl who might actually go out with me if I ask, but everything is closed. I've learned my lesson about asking girls to go hiking on a first date, but I don't know if fishing falls into the same camp of "he'll take me into the woods and rape and murder me" ideas.

Attached: 1560050539365.png (523x548, 272.53K)

she's in the wrong. You shouldn't ask questions in the middle of a show, it's fucking annoying.

do you try to explain novels to your dog as well?

She is being a bit brainlet but even then The Wire is kinda hard to follow if it's your first time watching it.

Like I said, she seems to be genuinely enjoying it. She generally likes shows that deal with crime such as Fargo, Boardwalk Empire, Breaking Bad, etc., so I recommended The Wire. She says it's sucking her in. It's just that every now and then I have to explain shit to her that I wish she just picked up.

those are all meme crime shows they might as well be marvel movies or cartoons.

>those are all meme crime shows they might as well be marvel movies or cartoons

Good point. The baffling thing is, at certain times she's good at picking stuff up. For instance, during the scene where McNulty is looking at tide charts, she realized immediately what he was doing. I don't think even I immediately picked up what he was doing the first time I watched it. Other times, she's baffingly slow or comes to conclusions so insane that I don't know where they come from.

>I don't know if fishing falls into the same camp of "he'll take me into the woods and rape and murder me" ideas

That's when you unzip your dick and facefuck her OP.

It's almost like your girlfriend is a human being and anything Yas Forums says about women is generally coloured by their anger and cynicism towards life itself.

They might claim to enjoy it, but do they really get it? Or do they just enjoy peak Idris Elba?

She gets it to a certain extent I feel, and yes. She also likes Omar.

>It's almost like

go back


You're missing the biggest reason they tortured and killed the crew member: He drew a fuckton of heat on The Greek and his organization.

Sorry for speaking down to someone for being retarded. I thought that was 4chans thing.