Why did he kill his boss like it was nothing?

Why did he kill his boss like it was nothing?

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His "boss" didn't mean anything to him. Arno wasn't a crimelord or anything. He just hired a little muscle to bully his kike cousin in law and things got out of hand. Arno wasn't a bad guy. Phil just didn't have any patience for getting dicked around, especially being locked up for hours.


He was done dealing with Arno and his stupid family constantly making trouble for him after being locked in a closet for 4 hours.

Amazing soundtrack. Listen to it daily when I take my /night walk/.

He looks like Eric Roberts in this angle.
Also, he was hot-headed as fuck. Efficient in a hand-to-hand combat tho.
But damn, I did feel sorry for Arno. The man didn't deserve it.

whole time through the movie i was trying to figure out who the soundtrack sounded like and 3/4 through i realized oneohtrix

You sure you wanna do that?

>Are you having a Good Time™?

fuck you Saffdies you fucking hacks

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>oh nooo im in debt what the fuck do i do now?! I have NOTHING except this store full of millions of dollars worth of jewels and properties worth millions on top of that! Where the fuck can I get 500k from?!
dum script

he represents hitler taking power and killing jews irrationally

You don’t get Jews do you?

if you have watched the film you should have known that jewelry are a fucking sham and are propped up on their value by the kikes. fucking retard

but user........
... thats the point

>... thats the point
Whats the point?

That he didn't want to live a frugal and simple life. He obviously could have paid back the debts had he sold his assets. But no, he has to live like a king

Oh. So he was the protagonist?



It's literally in the music

>Finally, I have become Uncut Gems, an A24 film
Turned it off right there

>Real Uncut Gems™ were the friends we made along the way.

Are you actually low iq or did you ask a dumb question to get an uncut gems thread going

Thread going.

Dont try to reason with LOW IQ individuals on the internet.

I felt kind of bad for Arno desu, I would also be fucking tired and making retarded decisions if I had to deal with someone like Howard

that was a big fuck you to Yas Forums

Anyone think the guy who played Phil has killed someone irl

It was his first time acting and he played his character scarily well

>t. brainlet
we don't even know how much debt the guy had, prolly the money he got from the last bet was going to be to finally pay everything off, knowing his gambling addiction we can only assume he was going to fuck everything up even with all that cash

wouldnt doubt that he roughed yp some guys or broken some bones

It was probably a mercy kill honestly. Probably would've went and gambled all his shit away again ending up with nothing. That ending was kino as fuck though, I'm so glad I saw that in the theaters. Soon as he got shot I just heard people around me gasp and heard one guy go "oh shit". Pure kino.

Woops I meant Howie not Arno, my point still stands

He's a greedy scheming motherfucker who wants to jerk everyone around have his cake and eat it too. He wants to gamble with other people's money and rub it in their noses if he wins. He's a shit person. He fucks around and in the end he finds out.

I wouldn't call him a shit person, I would call him a flawed person. He did secure his lover's future pretty selflessly in the end. Not like his family wasn't taken care of either.

This film made me hate The Weeknd

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