Forget Blood Meridian, is there ANY filmmaker, dead or alive, who could adapt pic related to the silver screen?

Forget Blood Meridian, is there ANY filmmaker, dead or alive, who could adapt pic related to the silver screen?

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No because nobody has ever read it.

It's in the curriculum of most high schools in France

Not even /lit/ reads books, you really fucking think Yas Forums does?

I always judge a book by its cover and THAT my friend is a big no no

Biggest waste of time in my life

Given time and many retarded executives, it will get an adaptation one day and it will fucking suck


That alone tells you that this is hundreds of pages of boring bullshit that faggots pretend to have read and like to look "cultured"

Sounds like you're now in search of the lost time...

>trying to adapt an autistic six-volume saga into a film
nah, film and literature are each their own distinct medium for a good fucking reason, and In Search of Lost Time is a pretty fucking good reminder of why that is the case.

/lit/ here, or I was years ago. I have never had any interest in reading proust. It sounds incredibly gay and I don't care how well written it is because I can't read french.

it's literally gay

Plenty of classics are good and even a meme like infinite jest has a lot of memorable and decent parts it's just it takes fucking 300 pages to get there and comes across as pretentious. This shit sounds gay as fuck.
>it was at the tea gala that I ate the delicious lemon cookies that sent me spiraling back to my gay lover cumming into my poop

What makes ISOLT great is the prose, which is why you should learn French to read it.

yes but as I have already said I don't know how to speak french. I'm also not gay, even for capital L literature this is pretty long, and in my opinion the french in general are shallow degenerates. The only people who write wore literature than the french are the g*rmans who at least have their autistic philosophers. What have the french got? A bunch of unshaved feminists and that delueze queer with the half inch long fingernails who is entirely incomprehensible and this 2000 page literal gay romance.


Do they force kids to read ALL of that? No wonder the French are illiterate.

>Forget Blood Meridian
I usually do

>here's your adaptation source bro

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Yes i mean Raul Ruiz has done a part of it. It has John Malkovich in it too.

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What about a Human Comedy Expanded Universe?

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I have a better idea: we ignore gay shit and adapt some true great works

>and the other book too

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Who could adapt the voynich manuscript faithfully?

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Yeah but it would take 8 3-hour movies and cost around USD 500 mil to make. PTA or Fincher could do it.

It´s hard to say. Even if someday that happens, it possibily could be a TV Series, not a Movie. They´ll have to cut off all of the scenery descriptions, and maybe replace them with a beautiful cinematography. For the characters and plot developement, it´s a great defiance

wow thank goodness i read the wikipedia synopsis before i got memed into reading this, literally every character is a rump ranger or a muff diver!


>in search of lost so y

I have doubts the fuckers at ENA even have to read Camus

There's already a movie with Jeremy Irons.

>Fincher could do it