This shit is so evil
This shit is so evil

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this clip redpilled me on roasties back in the day desu

>trusting women
>especially some roast you never even met before

This. Faggot got what he deserved

Wish I learned it that way rather than from real life experience. My ex-fiancee used to always tell me she loved me and I was her everything while simultaneously going behind my back and fucking my "friends." I found out but stayed with her for two months because I really thought I loved her.

Less than a week after I found out she was asking why I stopped buying her gifts and doing special things for her. Less than a fucking week. That opened my eyes to how vapid, materialistic whores women can be and I haven't spoken to her since.

Dumb nigger

I don't get it, how did it redpill you?

God you’re fucking pathetic

is this scripted?

it’s real.

all women are whores

>letting the dumb bitch you don't even know take the money isn't pathetic

I realized after posting this she isn't dumb in this situation. Just a habit of mine to put dumb before the word bitch

t. roastie being picky with whoever has the most money on her social media account

Is this the ultimate thing to say "I'm gonna pick steal; but I'll split it with you 50/50, if you don't trust me than you can pick steal and you are 100% guaranteed to get nothing. So you're more likely to get money if you pick split."

If the person is smart they will choose steal

serves him right, he trusted a woman

No, the ultimate thing to do is be a cute girl, say you'll pick split, and then pick steal

A guy did this and they made it rule you can’t discuss what you’ll do after the show

I mean that's fine but the girl was crying about how she really needs to money; so was the guy but if anything you tell them "I'll split with you" and secretly pick steal and then you can say "Well I wanted to screw you over in case you picked steal but don't worry I'll still split with you since you didn't"

They made it a rule of no side deals or anything, so you can't tell them you'll split it otherwise.

So why are they even allowed to talk. Shouldn't it be; Pick split or steal. You have 5 seconds no talking.

see the guys reaction. it is not scripted.

Here’s the clip
And here’s another evil one

Makes sense
She surely would redeem herself and the show would have to find way to avoid that

>two """smart""" people
>get nothing
Ya, sure.

this guy is the reason the show ended. He exposed the final showdown to guarantee a win every time.

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To convince the other person you’re picking split. You’re either a manipulative liar and win, come up against another liar and both of you lose or you get lucky with an honest person and get half

God people make me sick

That old lady is a fucking witch. This shit is so bingeable and infuriating especially when someone picks steal for an enormous amount of money or they both steal and act all sad and try justify it.

The nigress should have known she was lying

This doesn't make any sense. You aren't "stealing" from anybody. It's not "cheating" either. It's a game show where you're trying to win as much money as you can. You either leave better off than you came, or equally as well off. There's no moral dilemma here.

>stayed with her

Whats wrong with you you dumb cunt

Stealing money from another person instead of giving half especially when you get a big amount either way is scummy as fuck

It's not stealing. The game show is willingly giving it to you.

Yeah. There's no moral dilemma in lying to someone's face so that you get a bunch of money and they get nothing

It's stealing from the other person. Considering it's impossible for one player to make it their alone; they both had to put in effort. I know you're trying to be coy.
Also is there one where 2 people pick steal?

>I-it's just a game bro
>doesn't understand the greater implication for the tragedy of the commons

>Also is there one where 2 people pick steal?
Im sure there are plenty just not worth mentioning. this show was on every weekday at 5pm about 10 years ago

On the flip side, turbo-chad Bobby Ray totally BTFO this roastie and then he got the full cash prize.

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So what, is it stealing to answer all the questions on Jeopardy before the other contestants can? It's immoral not to divide the winnings evenly? It's nobody's money but the show's. Just because they call it "steal" doesn't mean it's actually theft.

Look up the definition of steal. You'll see what she did as stealing.

It is literally set up to be a mirror of the tragedy of the commons.

the issue is before picking split or steal you are speaking with the other person telling them youre going to pick split so you can trick them into taking split too and you take it all with steal.

It's a game, motherfucker. Do you think Mafia is immoral too?

Golden Balls is literally a game show for idiots though. Before the split or steal section the game is literally to just lie to each other about how much money they have so they don’t get voted out. You aren’t earning anything except sitting and lying to someone’s face that you’ll split money with them then not.

Are you Jewish?

Theft and stealing are not the same.

People really have this little empathy fuck this world baka


Well yeah, the primary objective isn't for you to end up with money, it's to make sure the other person ends up with none. Getting money is just a sweet bonus. Welcome to the dark triad world you were born into, bitch. For more information check out

Dumb ass nigress. If the old bitch threatened " i can change mine too" she should have realized that would be perfect and call her on her bluff to change.