I just watched Spider-Man 2 for the first time since 2004. It did not age well

I just watched Spider-Man 2 for the first time since 2004. It did not age well.

>Overall good story idea
>Good casting
>Some good dialogue sprinkled through out
>Lazy writing of a potentially great story
>Forgettable music. Big moments just use the main theme.
>Cringe moments through out

One scene in particular doesn't fit the rest of the film visually, the operation on Doc Oc. Raimi went full blown horror movie on this scene, but the PG-13 rating holds it back with no blood, not even a drop, and it feels odd. Raimis horror style is great and it sticks out in the movie, other parts of the movie seem to like having women scream bloody murder which is realistic in a way but also a bit distracting. Another scene that stands out is the big moment when Doc Oc looks at Peter for the last time with that, 'I am going to go die now' feel. The color is off and the whole thing looks like something from 1988 instead of 2004, the effects did not age at all.

Attached: SM2.jpg (474x711, 84.53K)

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This movie is also littered with unrealistic things. When Peter goes into the burning building to save the kid, none of that is realistic in anyway (I am a firefighter and wont go into super detail about that). When they take away Doc Oc's dead wife they put here in an ambulance, which you don't do with dead people. The Fussion orb is pulling cars across the street but not affecting traffic lights or other metal things. Little things only picky people notice which EVERY film has, but this one just seems to have a ton that I noticed. Spider-Man has super strength yet cant seem to knock Doc Oc out when he punches him in the face over and over and even kicks him a few time, yet Aunt May was able to give him a really good wack with her umbrella, which she held her entire weight on while the two fought. Strong Aunt I guess.

I feel like something with Peter's neighbor, the blond girl, didn't make the final cut. Her scene with him felt like a follow up to something just not present in the film. Overall I caught myself calling the movie trash the whole watch, I know a lot of people love Spider-Man 2 the best because they probably saw it at a time in their life when that story style hit the emotions the most. As a movie tho its good for pop-corn munching and that's about it as with most super hero movies but so many other super hero movies are MUCH better than Spider-man 2.

This nigga thinks nu spidey is better

most hardcore comic book fans do. . .

Not to mention all the casual racism in the script.

>thinks movies "age"
opinion discarded, nothing is a clearer sign of being a tasteless retard

name one

most hardcore comic book fans are worthless ppl and their opinions don't matter

Marry jane is such a bitch.

MCU Spider-Man is actually closest possible interpretation we’ve gotten. Toney is shit. I’m convinced all you fuckers just praise Raimi trilogy for the memes. Fuck off, forgettable popcorn garbage

Bad bait.

You overestimate Yas Forums

it's not your fault that you're a stupid faggot

How come when Doc Oc goes back to his destroyed lab it looks like its on edge of the river on some shitty pier but earlier in the movie it looks like it was in the city? Did they take the building wreck and move it?

>Why isn't my story about a guy bitten by a spider and then fighting crime realistic?
You sound like a Nolanfag

Also why was Doc blindfolded in the hospital scene?

he fucking set up a new one as an outlaw

>10/10 animation
>good music
>less melodrama because it’s a cartoon and not >muh Uncle Ben >muh Mary Jane

is it decency bias or is the most recent Spider-Man, into the Spideyverse or whatever, one of the best ones?

I think your bait might have gone unnoticed if you didn't include the "forgettable music" part. The soundtrack was incredible and one of the best ones when it comes to cape movies
>Cringe moments throughout
What a weird argument to bring for a movie based on comicbooks. Even the comedy was on-point which can't be said about recent cape movies

Apply yourself

>hating on the post-operation Doc Ock scene
Alright, my mistake for not having read your entire comment before writing mine. You're just a full-blown troll

it was "for his surgery" but actually he had it on to show the audience that the arms move on their own, and they have a mind of their own

Wouldn’t expect a retarded zoomer faggot to appreciate the most kino superhero movie of all time. This scene alone is better than anything in a marvel movie since


Attached: BD36EBB3-4CD3-45D0-9E3F-73D7BE25056C.jpg (1680x1050, 80.81K)

Literally every proper comicbook fan I know says that Raimi's Peter is a thousand times better than MCU's Peter and that Garfield's Spidey is superior to MCU's Spider-Man by a long shot. I think you meant people who have never read a comicbook before and only seen MCU movies. I also doubt that non-comic fans who have even only seen the TAS version of Spidey wouldn't come to the conclusion that MCU's version is the weakest Spidey yet

Peter pulls his punches to avoid caving in skulls

1:05 and 1:37 still crack me up to this day. What a wholesome scene


I don’t really have anything to contribute that hasn’t already been said, I just wanna say that I just finished watching this for the first tie since seeing it in theaters (watched SM1 yesterday) and thought for a moment I had made this thread while drunk.

yeah I agree. I liked it a lot then but it hasn't aged well.
The first one has a lot of the same problems, and wasn't as good to begin with.

Why should anyone care about the opinions of a comic book fan when it comes to what makes a good MOVIE?

dude you're talking about big moments use the main theme look at fucking west world or even worse game of thrones. jesus i don't know how many times they could recycle their own music over and over.

sm2 is dated as fuck. its post 1999 but still wants to be early 2000's of course its dated. everyones way older. doc oc gets shot at and doesn't somehow die. its a dumbass movei and a cop out just like spiderman 3 and every other movie after that. whatever you want to say all cape shit movies owe everything to the ultimate. spiderman 2001. fight me fucking faggots

What a shit take.

I wouldn't call it casual, it's quite blatant