This guy has to be one of the most degenerate movie reviewers on youtube and that's including the freakshow that is...

This guy has to be one of the most degenerate movie reviewers on youtube and that's including the freakshow that is TGWTG/ Channel Awesome

Attached: 1486685782925.png (432x337, 155.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Citizen Kane invented plot structure
>What I meant, is that it was the first time a film had a complex structure
>I don't know very much about older films, but I watched Metropolis recently, and from that, have concluded that I'm still right

He looks ruff

crazy to think almost the same time passed between me making this picture and today

all those poor dogs...

he does a lot of drugs apparently.

>a reviewer called "Your Movie Sucks" is literally only good when he's shitting on bad movies
Who woulda thought?

I have never disagreed with a YMS review honestly


looks like he morphed into a Pole

You can't disagree with yourself

Does he actually fuck dogs?

Think of all the dog anuses we lost along the way...

That's the most annoying thing about most youtube critics. They're mostly dumb and have shallow reference pools. The worst are dumb kids who trick you with nice editing and a video that looks well made. Like, you start watching their video and maybe you think 'that's an interesting observation'. But then they'll say something retarded and obviously, objectively wrong and you think 'is he retarded for saying something so retarded or am I retarded for even listening to this retard?'.

Attached: Screenshot.png (677x161, 81.83K)

>*laughs in Kimba*

Attached: d8x88xm-95e1bce0-1585-4612-bcc3-83276c4b9f87.gif (524x491, 262.45K)

In his defense, his letsplays are funny and his editor is hilarious

his channel picture is still him from ages ago making that silly face that would look downright creepy if he did it now

You should make a new one. The bloat has been real these past few years.

>this was really well done
>this wasnt well done
>the character was really brought to life
Movie essays were a mistake. It's all rewording for "that is good" or "that is bad"

How can he even be considered a critic?
He clearly knows nothing about film, he just says "Thing good, thing bad"
>pic unrelated

Attached: Saving_Christmas_poster.jpg (259x383, 30.69K)

See this kids? Aging isn’t kind to most people. Enjoy your youthful appearance now don’t be self conscious enjoy it while it lasts because aging is a bitch.

>Aging isn’t kind to most hard drug takers and alcoholics

He has better taste than most movie critics, he just doesn't know shit about film history or have the vocabulary to explain why a movie is good and most of his criticisms don't make sense.

Do I really care if some movie has 2 people too far away to hear each other talking normally? Not really, it's unrealistic but doesn't automatically make a movie shit.

Does he even review movies? Everything I've seen from him is just summarizing and nitpicking, nothing substantial to even agree with

Is that Adam Johnston from YourdogsucksmycockDOTorg?

I recall good points on pacing, symbolism, etc in the Oldboy comparison video although you could chalk them up to being "hard to disagree with"

Does he still have alerts set up for these threads? Hi Dog Rapist, still a complete retard?

He's talked about how he's done meth before. He's got holes in his brain.

He looks like he fucks dogs

>eric andre
>when he ripped his entire schtick off of tom green

>anything eric andre is doing being unique

people are really impressed by a halfdecent mullatto these days

"i like how over the top and fun the movie was"
what the fuck am i even listening to.
is it actually this easy to make money on youtube?