Residential Evil Reboot

Here's your Jill Valentine, bro.

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How to kill all interest in your movie before starting production.

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Im ok with it, cant be any worse than the other movies.

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Not everyone is racist as you, It will make millions off the name alone.

looks too old.

supposed to be early 20s.

Fuck off, she's a cutie.

it's all so tiresome

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This. No name carries more weight in the box office than Resident Evil.

she cute

fucking disgusting

>That was too close, you were almost a Jill burrito.

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Alright, non-racist. Don't bitch if Black Panther is played by Justin Timberlake, because we're all the same, according to your retarded logic.

CAPCOM has been infiltrated by western devs.......this does not surprise me

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Jew Valentine

Sienna was so fucking hot as Jill, I remember her in some Helen of Troy tv movie and she was so young and pure. damn

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What the living fuck are you on about? Take your meds kid.

>westcuck infiltrates company in the name of diversity
>xirs Reverse Midas touch turns all females into uggos

Many such cases. All of them actually.

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>How to kill all interest in your movie before starting production.
Guarantee most people that care about the games wouldn't see it even if the actress was white

Here's hoping it will be faithful to the games.

>Take your meds kid.
>tranny convinces underage to take hormones

Not surprising.

She's gorgeous but if they want a black girl just cast her as Sheva.

our Japanese kameraden are even calling out Capcom on their western garbage women

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"That was too close, you were almost a Jill watermelon!

when i was very young and my brother played resident evil, i thought her name was Chill because i didn't really know the word Jill

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stiff yet overacted, no thanks

>You're racist if you don't like disingenuous casting done by producers trying to virtue signal
lmao okay

Is this still that shitty script about some OC do nut steal small town with Umbrella and some other fanfic made up company?

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Its a movie about a video game, why do you put soo much effort into giving a shit? Just because you are an incredibly racist individual doesnt mean everyone else is.

Actually that's the first thing that caught their interest: If the casting actually matches those characters from their favorite video games. I know faggots like you enjoy defending the kikes doing their virtue signaling but this is fucking ridiculous.

>It a movie about a video game
So the movie is about someone who plays Resident Evil?

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Not him but fuck off somewhere else dumbass

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Is the reboot going to be an attempt at horror, or is it going to be more lame action shit?

Nah, I like the series and I've watched the W. S. Anderson movies a bunch of times because they're comfy 2000s schlock. The reboot they're purposing sounds like some lame Fear the Walking Dead type shit based around "human drama," so the only reason I'd watch it is if they had some cute and generally accurate representation of Jill, or Claire or whoever. I'd watch it if they got a good Wesker, just like I did for the latter few movies.
But again the tone of this new thing sounds lame as fuck and if they're running a diversity train on all he characters, it's an easy skip.

>another redhead black washed


>Chill, don't open that door!

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>or is it going to be more lame action shit?
You understand that's what RE is, right? But also the new series doesn't seem like it will be.

>Chill sandwich

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