Do grown men really?

Do grown men really?

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I die for pussy

The only movie she was kinda hot in.

she should've taken the heels off

Why do you advertise your flaming homosexuality in this manner?


Imagine if real women were based instead of cringe

Really what? You trannies never finish the goddamn question

he's right chungus

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dont worry bro I lost it at 27 you never know

Feel free to prove his statement wrong.

pretty hot scene

once upon a time in hollywood

oh true that

she was more cute in it tho, not hot

Sounds like OP is underage

Manjaws are disgusting

Pussy whipped men are the worst. He acted like a chad but was nothing more than a beta in wolves clothing.

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after a long time of having sex with the same woman, or a much longer period of having sex with different women; regular sex can get a bit boring. you'll wanna do some weird shit to keep it interesting. incels wouldn't understand.

But he was playing her and knew security was watching

This, the fucking standards for you fucking faggots. Have fun dying alone when a movie star isn't good enough for you.


He literally fucked whores the entire movie.

He still fucks other women tho.

They watch way too much porn. It has distorted their reality

holy fucking based.
Fuck coomers.

why not hire a prostitute? you'll gain confidence

Yet the fact remains.

i don't think you know what whipped is and I don't think you have ever even held hands with a woman.


t. Chad

You missed the point of the movie.

Pussy whipped is not "being obsessed with pussy".
Being whipped means being totally controlled and dominated by your girlfriend to the point of being completely distracted, ditching your friends, and/ or doing anything and everything she says.
Basically when a man loses his testicles to a woman.
He treated women with zero respect. Literally the opposite of whipped.

Get some standards, kid.
You too. You both seem to have the opposite problem of what you claim everyone else has. You have the lowest standards around so you'll fuck anyone.

>redditor lecturing anyone else about women

Pink is the most kino color

Lol you are full of shit. He wasnt pussy whipped, obviously just a kink of theres you virgin.