The fuck is up with Pixar making mommy milfs with fat asses, what are they trying to instill in kids?

The fuck is up with Pixar making mommy milfs with fat asses, what are they trying to instill in kids?

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true kino

>can literally stretch and morph herself into any shape
>sighs about having a huge thick ass

While OP is a huge faggot I'll distill the point for low iq fags.

By implying they are making fun of moms, which they are, it points out the irony that white women, while "previledged", don't get made fun of because they are still considered low on the bullshit social justice scale.

Or something like that.

Heterosexuality, the bigots

in twelve years' time they'll bring out a fuckton of big-ass milf merchandise, and the preprogrammed twentysomethings will have no choice but to buy it. operant conditioning.

I blame Pixar for my milf fetish

My mom has a fat ass and I've only fapped to her a few dozen times. Kid will be alright

Dash and his friends gangbang Helen.

based incest man

mouth-wateringly based
keep fapping to your mom user

Trips confirm I have to

cal arts is boring suburban kids that want to fuck their pear shaped mothers.

All the kids would be spending mother's day with Mrs. Parr.
Until there is a DP, I will not read it. A shota x milf gangbang is truly patrician though

Fuck off Timedwatcher. I have proven it's you.

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Can't make tits big too obvious it's sexual. Wide hips though implies sexual for people old enough while kids don't ask questions.

trying to not turn them into queers son

... who gives a fuck...

Write what you know, and they know big shapeless asses.

Are you mad that he says nigger or that he's a pervert? Where do you think you are?

Fuck off Timedwatcher.
I'm mad that he's allowed to continue shilling his shit. It's been three years. Three.

mentally ill, both of you

you're promoting him. i wouldnt be surprised if youre autistically spamming your own name like a pokemon

I wonder at what point does pretending to be insane actually become insanity?

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I think you guys have the wrong idea here. You’re so conditioned to think everything is a covert psy op conspiracy. Have you ever seen Rugrats? What was ground breaking about that show was the use of perspective. The animators realized they could show a house from a baby’s point of view and it would make it look huge. Any time the “camera” is meant to parallel Tommy’s eyes as he crawls across the floor there’s two things happening to the audience: the older crowd gets this strange nostalgia for an experience everyone has and (mostly) forgets but the young kids watching it can identify even more with that character because his reality is their reality (or was fairly recently). I don’t think Pixar is trying to give kids big butt fetishes. I think a kids perspective is lower to the ground so asses look bigger to kids.

>half the criticism is that he has the word nigger in his posts
Jesus fucking christ you are a retard

and what does having her pussy waxed have to do with it?

>Mrs. Incredible doesn't have a huge ass, you're just short.

Again, not what Mother's Day is about - but your idea is based

CHAPTER 2 OF "Spending Mother's Day with Mrs. Parr" IS OUT NOW

What did you think?

Also, what should Chapter 3 be about? Oh, and I wrote something new called "The Taking of Misty". Check it out.

Attached: spending mothers day.png (1502x923, 48.34K)

Post mom