When ur face is equated with the ruin of Star Wars forever

>when ur face is equated with the ruin of Star Wars forever

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Those are downie eyes

She's so fucking unattractive bros

I want to kiss her forehead

I hope the barren cunt od's soon

Looks chinky as fuck.


i miss the thin and athletic Daisy of part VII
where did she go?


Maybe it's this. There was always just something... off about Daisy Ridley's looks.

Goddamn she looks perfect without makeup

Looks like Greta lmao

i want to do drugs off her flat chest

greta who?

Nah that would be Rose or Holdo.

I could see it... her face is indescribably insufferable to look at... I could never place my finger on it, but yes these do look like downey eyes

You are gay

She can't act and ruined Star Wars, most people would actively avoid a movie with her in it

dirty fookin slag

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when a Disney park slut is more hot than the real Rey...........damn

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la goblina xenomorphia...

>daisy ridley
no, no I don't think I will

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It's not her fault, she got paid to read lines. Blame the clowns who gave her the lines.

I love when she says Mary Sue is misogynist because there is no male equivalent. that dumb bitch said it in an interview. it was gold.

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I met Rey.....I am the red hat guy

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Being doggy by that BBC

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her acting = eyes wide mouth slightly open

Also whenever she wears any kind of wig or changes her hair style, it looks HORRIBLE because of her weird fish mouth

And you didn't even show the best one.

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Lucas ruined star wars forever with the prequels. If you disagree then you are stupid.
Also, watch another movie.

>Lucas made his series infinitely better by making the kino Disney wishes they could that is the prequels

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kys, zoomer