>A new animated CGI Transformers film prequel set on cybertron about the story of Optimus and Megatron is coming from Toy Story 4 director and Inside Out writer!
It's said to be set during the Bumblebee movie continuity.

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Fucking ten years too late, I'm a functioning adult now and no longer care.

No Bay no watch.

No you are not

is that grimplock

All we got was post 9/11 Bush Era trash. It hurts, and it made me hate something I really liked.

Bayformers was kino

No Bay No buy

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bay is garbage you sadfags

Is this what it looks like when you toss metal shards into a blender?

Aren't they already doing that Netflix WfC series as a origin thingy?

Aesthetic numbers Megatron

Always felt like they animated the last part of the movie at lesser frames because there was too much shit on Optimus.

They are, probably a seperate thing. The netflix one looks like cheap shit and doesnt have Cullen and Welker.

The film crashes behind its integral major. Kino graduates opposite Transformers. Transformers milked like a dried manufacturer. Many such cases

Why would a film set on Cybertron have Grimlock transforming into a dinosaur?

looks like some kinda machinima garbage

Hey now, i love geee wuun as much as the next fag but there are bayformer designs i unironically enjoy as well.

Attached: wallpaper2you_462582.jpg (1920x1200, 545.68K)

The last knight is absolute dogshit garbage and a franchise killer.
Stop embarassing yourself.

Play the two games.

It's what baby strollers look like over there.

No leg day Dorritto.


Why didn’t they just end bayformers after the third one?
>because they printed money durr
The last knight lost over 100 million so not really.
Bumblebee was okay and actually felt like a proper movie tho.

>It's said to be set during the Bumblebee movie continuity.

Bumblebee was good

>last bayformers ended on a unicron cliffhanger
>canceled 12 movies they had planned
>Bay ran away
>immediately rebooted the franchise
>Bumbleebee was kino
Seethe about what?

>new animated CGI
So just like Bay's Transformers without the annoying human characters?

I didn't like how the normally-smooth CGI got all fucked up in that scene

Bay wanted to end with the third movie, Hasbro asked for a new one, and they succeded somehow. Peter cullen also requested bay to return in the fifth movie. (Not saying he's the whole reason though)