
Thread for the high IQ discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

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>here's your conservative filmmaker bro

>amerimutt hours
>/film/ is dead

Every time.

Donald Trump is our President. What do you honestly expect from us other than to say it's someone else's fault?

Alright, let's bring some life into this thread. Post your hottest /film/ take.

I think that Darren Aronofsky is criminally underrated and Mother! was one of the best films of the past decade

Bela Turd

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Kill yourself faggot

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Go choke on hebrew dick you fucking double digit IQ trumptard piece of shit.

Saving Private Ryan > Thin Red Line. I'll take Spielberg's sentimentality over Malick's insipid navel gazing any time.


Czech new wave is boring

As usual.
Not even a hot take since SPR is highest rated. Also it's a bad take.
Now this is a horric take but you can't expect much from someone who uses the word boring.

I too believe that Mother! is a great film. I watched it as a commentary on the cult of personality.

Another webmless thread


I'm here for the BJ scene

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You wanna see Gallo's dick, huh faggot?

eurochads ww@

What do you think about Angelopoulos?

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He's alright. The Travelling Players is his best. Eternity and a Day comes off as second-rate Tarkovsky.

Honestly isn't Tarr kinda one trick pony? He is great at creating moody athmosphere but it's basically that same mood through so many of his films to a point where they just blur together.

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The more a director is praised for being a visionary "auteur" the more samey and boring the movies become.

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There are two good things about mother! :
>it was entertaining
>Jennifer Lawrence has very nice tits

Nah, not really

Citizen Kane isn't even one of Orson Welles' top 3 best movies, and his best film is Chimes at Midnight.

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>Homosexual men and straight men used to have this common bond; used to have an aesthetic bond; a counter-cultural bond; a subversive bond, and they were similarly alienated. Interesting straight men were frequently close to very interesting homosexual men. They were bonded by things which were underground, esoteric, creative and cultural ... not like now. The gay scene is embarrassing to me now ... it's all about Dolce & Gabanna and Prada. Everybody looks the same and dresses the same-they're all label queens. (laughs) There's no relationship culturally-between gay men and straight men anymore. Things have changed so much in the West Village. I used to sell Barbra Streisand and Judy Garland albums there. I would go to Goodwill and buy records for 50 cents, and sell them for 10 bucks. But, now, there's no scene where there's a gay crowd and straight crowd mixing together with a common sense of revolution.

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Did we lowkey start turning Yas Forums into a better place? I usually browse this board for this thread only but decided to scroll through the catalog this time around instead of ctrl,+f and there's a Marx Bros thread, a Charlie Chaplin thread, an Angelopoulos thread, The Three Stooges thread, a Socrates thread, an In Search For Last Time one and a few more...
Definitely not complaining but what happened? The catalog is more /lit/ at this very instant than /lit/ has been for the last two years..

>there's a Marx Bros thread, a Charlie Chaplin thread, an Angelopoulos thread, The Three Stooges thread, a Socrates thread, an In Search For Last Time one and a few more...
Literally all me

Tetro is good movie


I'd gladly take retard frog, sneed, capeshit and waifu posters over wigger faggots like you any day.

Tell me why you people aren't watching Stagecoach by John Ford right now

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