Napoleon Dynamite

Does the humor hold up today? It came out when I was 5 so I saw it as a little kid a few years later and I remember not getting it. If it's good and stands the test of time then I would like to rewatch it now so I can appreciate it.

Attached: Napoleon Dyanmite.jpg (1200x800, 128.46K)

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hs hasnt changed all that much still. It holds up very well.

it's about dull middle america small town that never changes so yea it hasn't changed and holds up well.

Remember to watch the after credits scene

Imagine being 5 when this came out.

I'll check it out, thanks.
Thank you user, I'll stick around for the credits.

>herr derr does it hold up
Name ONE comedy film or TV show from the last 5 years that even comes close to Napoleon Dynamite.
And "hold up" is a stupid fucking idea. If something is great in a certain era, odds are it's still great in a current era.

>mfw these kinds of slow, comfy movies will never be made again
Fucking zoomers and their 3 minute attention spans

Yeah, it sucks man. I turned 21 in late February and I've only been able to go to one bar since my birthday because college work was getting intense and then they shut down the bars.

I wouldn't know. I've never seen this movie so I figured maybe it could have been that kind of movie that either has outdated references or was so good that movies after all started copying it so it's nothing special. There's also the chance that it's been overhyped. Just wanted to know if any of those were the case, because I've been burned by "amazing movies" from the past that turned out to be just alright or mediocre. Sort of like how people pretend that Shaun of the Dead is as good as Hot Fuzz or The World's End.
I like slow comfy movies. Going to have to see this one now. I just didn't like it because I was 6 or 7 when I watched it.

And by that I mean I have seen it but I might as well have not seen it because I was so young.
All I remember is "Tina, you fat lard, get some dinner!" and "Vote for Pedro."

comedy movies are known for not holding up and being kind of cringy. Nobody talks about Austin Powers anymore because its pretty dumb.

>outdated references
Name one instance where a dated reference in a film or tv show made it unwatchable? All in the Family is a great comedy show and most of the eps are about the political and social issues of the 70s.
>was so good that movies after all started copying it so it's nothing special.
This still doesn't take away from the original. There were tons of Star Wars clones.
>There's also the chance that it's been overhyped.
So find out for yourself.
>, because I've been burned by "amazing movies" from the past that turned out to be just alright or mediocre.
Please name a few. I'm curious.
> Shaun of the Dead is as good as Hot Fuzz or The World's End.
Those were all shit that have a niche following.

I was 2

>Nobody talks about Austin Powers anymore because its pretty dumb.
Just because no one talks about it anyone more doesn't mean it's not funny. Austin's Powers 1 and 2 are funny movies. As is Airplane and Mel Brooks movies. And The 3 Stooges (the old short films) and Dumb and Dumber.
Just because a movie doesn't have some meme shit for you faggots to latch onto doesn't mean it's not quality.
I bet if Austin Powers had a scene for you to post "zomg, imagine the smell of those feet" pics you would love it.

Mill yourself

Ok boomer

I appreciate what a well crafted film is is even more now that I’m not surrounded by high schoolers quoting it all the time.

>Ok boomer
Shit like this is why comedy is dead. Zoomers just keep using the same stuff over and over and over and over again.

>Name one instance where a dated reference in a film or tv show made it unwatchable?
>This still doesn't take away from the original.
Try to watch Citizen Kane and tell me that you thought it was amazing and riveting.
>So find out for yourself.
Of course, but I have a big backlog of movies I want to watch and I'd like to know that the next one is worth of my time.
>Please name a few. I'm curious.
Shaun of the Dead was one example. Midsommar (friend recommendation right there). Any Marvel movie ever.
>Those were all shit that have a niche following.
Agree to disagree. I like Shaun of the Dead and it has all of the Edgar Wright ingredients, but it's just meh to me. Hot Fuzz and The World's End are kino though.

Coming from someone who is likely a millennial, the king of repeated impact font image macros.

>It came out when I was 5
Kill yourself faggot.

Why is this ep dated (and your being very specific to the point of autism naming one ep from a show that's been on for 20 years).
>Try to watch Citizen Kane and tell me that you thought it was amazing and riveting.
It is faggot. It's a GOAT film. The pace, heartbreaking story, cinematography, acting. A masterpiece.
>Of course, but I have a big backlog of movies I want to watch and I'd like to know that the next one is worth of my time.
So if some faggots on Yas Forums say it's not worth your time you won't watch it?
>Shaun of the Dead was one example. Midsommar (friend recommendation right there). Any Marvel movie ever.
Who the fuck was hyping up Misommar (besides reddit) and Marvel movies (besides NPC fags on twitter)?

I really, really, really hope you and your disgusting cunt of a mother both get cancer.

don't. it's the only thing about this movie that sucks.

>Coming from someone who is likely a millennial,
Wrong faggot.
I'm from a time when the biggest sin you could make in comedy and entertainment in general was doing something that was already done. Now it's what people want.

nigger I was in the 8th grade

The fact people like this exist sickens me.

zoomers have gone full nigger, they never had anything of value so all they know how to do is destroy.

I wasn't in love with it at the time compared to the reception it got, but looking back, it's pretty good.

Zoomers right now would wonder why everyone actually saw Napoleon dance and he didn't just do it on TikTok.

it's timeless because it's sincere and authentic

Make me, nigger.