What was their endgame?

What was their endgame?

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Cute :)

>Korean propaganda
why are Koreans like this?


get views from korean white worshippers

Finally caved and watched it because youtube recommends it all the time. the asian kid came off retarded and the girl seemed smart. so if it's korean propaganda they did a shit job.

>"So, i hear you guys do like, 6 extra hours of school every day. You think you're better than me, is that it?"

Why do Koreans look like that?

she's gorgeous
why is she with a chink?

ummmm... breh can you post more of the right
thanks in advanced

its a lesbian couple


he looks more like a gook, possible a nip, than a chink


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It's globalist propaganda

Why are Koreans so mean to their cute wives?


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AMWF is wholesome

Asian women exclusively fuck white men. Their endgame is a hapa brat to make chang raise I imagine

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can confirm this as a chink girl with a white baby daddy


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My neigbours are a white/ asian couple... their children really aren't that beautiful.

Who's the girl?

God I wish she were my gf

Her names carla
Shes in the backpages in LA, good rates

>AMWF is wholesome

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Nothing brings out the insecure white boys than an Asian male, white female couple

She cute (in a daughter kind of way)


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why did they cut out the whipped cream going into her mouth :(

cope. that chang has a cute white girl and you're jerking off to tranny porn

What propaganda?

>Asians are smart bro

What did they mean by this?

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Who created COVID-19?

Lol imagine having that pathetic shit saved lol lol

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Where did you get this?

what the actual fuck did he think was going to happen?

Asian girls be jealous of Amwf

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those ones arent nice theyre filpina monkeys pretty much nigger pussy

Disagree. Koreans and japs are respectable equals to me. I'm a white man of british/german ancestry and there's nothing wrong with them. It's chinese and flips that are kinda questionable.

Try beat them in a vidya tournament

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Why is Sasha so cute bros

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Is this Wong Fu Productions? They got really annoying over the past decade or so

Why do Asian girls refuse to sleep with Asian "men"?

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can you shut up about gooks and talk about cute little girls

While both kids are kinda cute in a 'child model' (not that kind you sicko) way, the video was kinda dumb and awkward. I'm Asian as well. The other videos aren't much better. Instead of having them be face to face no knowing what to do it would be better if you gave them a task they had learn and complete together, like a cooking task that neither of them had done before (supervised of course).

What’s the difference?

>m-muh vidya

meanwhile in real life...

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cute as hell

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chinese hillbillies

Small dick, autistic, weird, weak, short... the list goes on

>why yes I do browse r/asianmasculinity, how could you tell?

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based black-chads...

>real life

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why does asianmasculinity spam the same 10 pictures? is it just one guy

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