>Not liking Transpeople because Reddit told you not to like them
you guys are fucking pathetic, get a life.
Not liking Transpeople because Reddit told you not to like them
Go back to dilating while playing trannimal crossing
I turned myself into a pickle morty!
Yes, that's the reason.
They obsess over the people they hate 24/7. Their "out-group" literally live in their minds rent-free.
Kill yourself faggot scum
Joke's on you, I fap to transpeople
fascist here, I don't own a switch but the original animal crossing is based
Not tv. Fuck off.
Discord queers spam Yas Forums endlessly
>stop hating trannies reeee
People mostly hate the absolute scum who encourage the mentally ill to harm themselves.
Kill yourself faggot scum
>Soon OP will join the 41%
I can't wait
Would I rather fap to you?
This. It's like if people kept slamming me because I didn't support heroin addiction while simultaneously manipulating more people into being addicts. It's the same thing a cartel would do.
>Reddit told you not to like them
a cartel eh?
but what "cartel" could exist that would want mostly white people to disfigure and sterilize themselves? surely such a group could never exist.
I’ve never had sex
Ah yes of course, "Women".
White Nationalist here, you're a faggot
>Reddit is super right wing.
Where did this retarded take come from? I've seen it more and more in the last month.
No they don’t.
>defending trannies in the year of our lord 2020
you've lost your way, my tranny friend
you're either so new you dont know or you're one of them faggot.
sure seems like you do
It's just 90s born queers trying to alter the narrative.
I dont hate them I just dont think trans men are actual men which qualifies me as hitler to like 43% of the country right now
I see your faggot ilk spamming shit every day