Why do people live like this?

Why do people live like this?

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because florida


they have very little choice, or don't know any better

People a retarded and have bad parents

Wearing a rubber and bettering yourself is a choice people just choose not to do so.

I actually thought the way they live is pretty comfy. Having a tight knit community of people like that would be a nice change. Instead of living in a suburb where everyone is locked in their houses and call the police on you if you do anything the HOA doesn't approve of

These people would sell out their "neighbors" for a quick $20.

>These people would sell out their "neighbors" for a quick $20.
only the black ones would

These people are prone to coke binges and beating their children. They would easily stab each other in the back for another hit of whatever vice they need.

Most people irl who live like this are just fucking idiots like said. They're very often addicted to something as well.

Single mothers aren't known for making good decisions.

Because your life is something to aspire to right

I haven't seen the movie but what happens with the kinds of people you're talking about basically have their surprisingly wide circle of fuckups and they all have a retarded amount of drama fuck dealing and buying drugs and hanging out with drunk fuckups all time and are all on a rotating basis of who they hate for fucking them over and who they have forgiven because they got a new place everyone can get wasted and smoked crack in and is selling their oxy script.

>it's a richfag literally cannot fathom the existence of poverty episode

it's what happens after Jews suck a nation dry

Yes, actually, I am living quite comfortably.
Also I'm a white guy with green eyes.

Yes I know.

I cannot fathom how you could get to this point as a legal US citizen without just being retarded, yes.
Again, most of these people are either single paretns (mostly single moms specifically) or addicts.

perpetual cycle of low IQ and bad parenting. they literally don't know how to live differently and are completely alien to anything resembling moral fibre.

For you non amerifags, Florida is akin to the Australia of the Anglo empire
>full of degenerates and psychos
>terrible animals not meant to coexist with man
>plagued by insanely shitty weather, which is god's way of saying it shouldn't be inhabited
>the buffer to all the hordes of people who travel on makeshift boats to get to America
>rampant social issues across the board
basically, think of it as the local resident dump for the continental 48.

Some people are born in a fucked up environment.

>why are people poor

Yes, I know, but that's the sad thing. explained it perfectly; the offspring are literally just miniature versions of their parents.

then you're really not as smart as you think and you're definitely naive/inexperienced/unwise/sheltered

Florida is its own universe of chaos

For every homeless person that genuinely just got extremely unlucky to become homeless, there are 50 retarded hobos who are completely content with their lifestyle.

most of australia isn't like that aside from Queensland

i found out i was attracted to willem dafoe after watching this movie. tfw no hardworking fit business owner bf. i was waiting for him to be sleazy towards the thot egirl mom but he never was ;-;

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OP here.
Don't get me wrong, I hate that some people would be forced to live in this way, but my point was that people irl are extremely similar to the main character in that they're completely content with being a poorfag and raising their children in the worst way possible thus ensuring the cycle will continue.
This isn't a "fuck poor people" thread. I just don't get how you can be content with such a shitty lifestyle.
I truly do feel bad for those who are poor for reasons beyond their control.

ok didn't read but you should see the movie its pretty good

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>kid is not half-black
>girl doesn't have an onlyfans

immersion ruined.

Don't worry only retards see this as a poor hate thing.

Its how they were raised as well this is all just a cycle. They don't know any other way to live and don't know how to get help.

>This isn't a "fuck poor people" thread. I just don't get how you can be content with such a shitty lifestyle.
are you unironically 12 years old. People can adapt to anything out of sheer laziness, complacency, and material resources. Look at the tiny box apartments in china, or classic battlestation pictures of NEETs rooms, or comically fat people who absolutely refuse to stop being shameless pigs who shove food into their mouths even as their knees blow out and feet rot off

Not him but also haven't seen it. I feel its just gonna hit what I can already see in the world with living in North Philly and seeing crack moms beating their children/yelling at them for speaking. These people are trash and I see enough real trash to know this movie is bullshit.

would marry

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>why are people poor? just, like, be rich

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retard, defer to In America you have every fucking chance to not be a fuckup loser.

Florida is the most adventurous part of the United States. If you take that part of a video game map that's locked until postgame and has all kinds of weird/gimmicky shit crammed into it everywhere, that's what Florida is.