Texas mattress fucked dumper

who was in the wrong here?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The female obviously
>babe go punch those guys with shotguns lol

Pretty much this. Women will egg shit on with men because they know they won't get hit.

Why would you argue with guys with guns in an alley? What a dumb fucking retard he got exactly what he deserved. So did the dumb bitch. Hearing how devastated she is upon realising her husband is now dead is wonderful.

hehe epic! youre one of us!

I just watched this video for the first time. The guys with the guns seem like fucking brainlets. The guy in the orange shirt was probably pissed off because these dumb motherfuckers kept making noise at like 2 in the morning. I've lived next to dumb fucking trailer trash before.

You done fucked up now AA Ron

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I actually got mad at this. She is the one pushing it by forcibly saying "in front of our kids".

The situation is already insane and trivial, what was she expecting to achieve?

Speaking of brainlets, you managed to misinterpret the entire situation.

Haha yeah real funny haha very laughed.

It's especially cathartic how he just keeps threatening to kill them, shouting shit at them to provoke them, and trying to intimidate them physically, and when none of that works he chimps out and gets shot dead in an instant. It seriously gave me a boner.

Bullshit, orange shirt had a laundry list of arrests and psyche holds. These people get away with heaps of shit because nobody wants to deal with crazy but eventually they get what's coming to them

>She uses his psychosis in court as an attempt at dindu
>She fails to realize how this only makes her worse by KNOWING about the psychosis yet egging him on anyway

Not tv. Fuck off. Go back to your containment bord.

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I doubt it.

No One:

Absolutely No One:

Le Wild Redditor: ThIS iS nOt tV, bAcK tO yOuR CoNTaInMeNt BoArD

4channeler: I'm about to ruin this man's career

Edit: Wow this blew up


Hmmm, maybe I was wrong then. Thanks for educating me user.

They were all chimps

What's wrong with incels?


Like the other user said the orange shirt guy had a huge rap sheet and had recently threatended to kill the mailman for delivering mail because "he has kids" and is a meth smoking steroid abusing or whatever the fuck is wrong with him psycho and everyone in the neighborhood probably heard him screaming and kicking the dog every other night. In this specific situation he dumped a mattress in their garbage area which would have resulted in them being fined or losing their garbage service. He came out and started screaming and the old man pulled out his pistol he had in his shorts because america. His son went inside to get the shotgun as backup which was the only thing they did "wrong" really

Same with the shirtless guys, not as many charges but enough. Both were just bullies that used intimidation to get what they want, eventually they come up against each other and now both are fucked


This is the only time I've seen anyone say this in literally more than a year of these threads so lets see some proof pal

Incel alert

Actually, my guy, the orange shirt kept putting the mattress next to their bin/the communal bin. Seemed he went off at all his neighbours too, and had a long rap-sheet. No wonder they held weapons.

Based Billy and Bobba had had enough of this schizo goober and his crack-whore wife. they kept calm, after continual threats, and only when he brandishes a baseball bat - the only part his methhead wife doesn't film - is when he gets put down . Piece of shit had it coming.

>"They're not going to shoot you"

lmao. Women.

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Post link nigga

You shouldn't solely inform your opinions based on what people here say
>Before September 2018, Johnnie Miller had been charged with five crimes since November 1977 in Taylor County, ranging from aggravated assault with a deadly weapon to unlawful carrying of a weapon, according to court records. He had last been arrested in January 1979 on a charge of unlawful carrying of a weapon.

>Based Billy and Bobba had had enough of this schizo goober
They'd never even spoken before this day iirc, the orange shirted guy only been living there a few months

Orange psycho was in the wrong but the shotgun was overkill. They're probably going to prison.

>did you instigate or escalate the situation to the use of deadly force?
>did you need to inflict death or great bodily harm in order to protect life?
>could the situation be deescalated by simply walking away or going inside with zero issues?

These are the ethical questions here, and the questions the jurisprudence on these issues are concerning. In every respect they are in the wrong and will definitely see jail time for this.

It's up to a Texas jury to decide if doing that jack-off gesture before you shoot negates your self-defense claim. It's a tossup, honestly.

Where can I go to donate to their defense?

>Assault someone with a melee weapon after stating your intention for your attack to be fatal
>defend yourself with a ranged weapon
>not self defense
I'm sure more people in the community were happy the psychopath was no longer able to be a threat

For half a moment you can see the bat collide with John’s face
He was well known in the community as the faggot methhead that nobody likes

>and only when he brandishes a baseball bat - the only part his methhead wife doesn't film - is when he gets put down

He was 12 feet away when he held up the bat. And don't fucking tell me he tried to throw it, it was found lying next to his body. Orange shirt was not a threat with a bat at that distance. He was murdered.

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I'm not sure if there's a name for this effect or not, but I've seen in quite often and it really should have a name. The idea behind it is this: when people see a video of some wholly reprehensible, malicious, wanton violence (like murder) they will usually cling to and perpetuate a narrative (regardless of the facts of the situation) that mollifies, or generally lessens in their eyes, the evil of the act in question. Everyone likes to act tough but people in general don't like to see someone murdered for no good reason, and will easily believe that "he had it coming" for whatever reason so that they can convince their delicate inner psyche that they did not just witness a senseless murder.

>You shouldn't solely inform your opinions based on what people here say
Yeah which is why I asked you to provide some evidence because I had never seen someone say that before, which is in fact what I typed and you read, you oversensitive bitchy retard. Thank you.
>He had last been arrested in January 1979 on a charge of unlawful carrying of a weapon.
I don't really care if felons carry weapons because of the amount of guns in america and the fact that we should just execute them or keep them in prison if they are that much of a danger. If they are going to get into street fights or join a gang they're going to do it regardless of the law about felons and guns. Regardless of my political philosophy though
although I guess it's still relevant because even if he stayed out of trouble for 40 years he should be damned to get killed by a roid user for his past. Execute felons.


>Actually, my guy, the orange shirt kept putting the mattress next to their bin/the communal bin.
Pretty sure he put it in the bin twice and the guys with guns put it on his lawn
I still don't understand why they took it out of the bin, they thought the city wouldn't collect it?

>For half a moment you can see the bat collide with John’s face

bull fucking shit

It's actually you who has the "effect" where you feel a pathological need to feel bad for everyone and make excuses for the worst pieces of shit society has to offer and shield anyone from criticism at all times.
>you're laughing, a man was murdered over a mattress and you're laughing
Yeah I am. I wish someone would should some crackheads in my town too.

Those two did nothing wrong and shouldn't have gone to jail. In 1800s America they wouldn't have.