THE BATMAN Plot Details

>Present day.
>Batman has been active for two years and has fought only Gotham’s crime families led by Carmine Falcone.
>Bruce Wayne acts as a carefree playboy in public, but ends up becoming involved with an idealistic politician, Bella Réal.
>Batman avoids direct combat and absolutely refuses to kill. He is a detective, not a fighter.
>Alfred Pennyworth is Bruce’s chief of security and advisor.
>Jim Gordon is the captain of police chasing Batman.
>The Riddler begins murdering Gotham’s mayoral candidates, and Batman and Gordon join forces to stop him.
>Oswald Cobblepot is a nightclub owner and another of the Riddler’s targets.
>Selina Kyle is Falcone’s enforcer who pursues her own agenda and occasionally helps Batman.
>Batman proves himself to be the Riddler's first true intellectual opponent, and the Riddler becomes determined to outsmart him.

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Sounds neat but
>he’s a detective, not a fighter
Can’t wait till limp dick contrarians whine about this even though I’ve seen nothing but comments saying
>hurrrrrr I wish there was more detective work and less fighting!!!!

>>Batman avoids direct combat and absolutely refuses to kill.
Finally, a gay Batman!

>Batman avoids direct combat
Oh my god, why are people complaining about fight scenes in capeshit movies

Were people that upset by the Batman warehouse fight scene in Batman vs Superman?

>There's an intense rape scene but Batman just watches and waits till the end to intervene to show how cold and jaded batman is
>Batman completely brutalizes the rapists but doesn't kill
>All of Batman's gadgetry are DIY and amateur looking
>Aaron Paul currently eyed at to play the joker

>There's an intense rape scene
>Batman just watches and waits
oh god

Does he coom?

how is he a vigilante if he's not dispensing justice with his fists?
he's at best an informant

He is supposed to be a fighter and a detective, you mongoloid paint-chip child. Wanting more detective work doesn't mean you you have to pick between one or the other.

I'm just hoping the part about fighting is poorly worded

>casting a chin and jawlet as batman
What the fuck were they thinking? Bale was already bad enough

Oh shut up faggot. You’d nitpick it either way

>Batman refuses to kill

[Mark disliked that.]

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>batman also refuses to fight



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I mean i like the idea of batman avoiding direct combat. He should approach in a way to eliminate his opponents as fast and efficiently as possible with as little expenditure of energy. But he should still be more than capable of direct combat when needed. It should show both.

You can actually make an interesting moment where for most of the movie he's been sneak attacking goons and criminals. So Riddler makes the mistake that he cant handle a direct fight so traps him in a scenario where the Bat has to fight goons. Only for Batman to demolish them to the Riddlers surprise and the audiences.

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He probably picks them off one by one like the predator missions in the games instead of jumping into a crowd and beating them all up

yeh that'd be cool, we don't see enough stealthy fear manipulating batman in movies

this sounds surprisingly good

So he's literally a coomer and a psychopath. It has potential

>>Bruce Wayne acts as a carefree playboy in public, but ends up becoming involved with an idealistic politician, Bella Réal
>Portrayed by Jayme Lawson

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>Aaron Paul currently eyed at to play the joker
Let's put a smile on that face, bitch!

>batman avoids fighting
>stands by and watches a rape happening
>surprisingly good
Yea nice try retard

Heroes shouldn't be afraid to kill.

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Pile of shit is back on the menu, boys!

>>There's an intense rape scene but Batman just watches and waits till the end to intervene to show how cold and jaded batman is
Is there also a scene where he punches the mirror and wipes the blood on his face, then takes a shower with the water symbolically washing his tears/sins away?

fighter, not a superninja jumping ten armed men at once
>ibf comics page posted
nobody give a shit nerd

If this is true, I hope it taps into Batman's detective side.

>stands by and watches a rape happening

You can't possibly be this stupid.

Nobody even remembers that shitstain of a movie.

He is by far the worst looking batman. Awful twink jawlet

>Just watches intense rape
Aaaaand... the leak's fake.

g-g-g-gay and woke

>hating on BvS

It’s not 2016 anymore, user. It’s okay to admit it was a good movie.

>Batman avoids direct combat... He is a detective, not a fighter
You have my attention