Which one were you?

Which one were you?

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the goth girl

Breakfast Club is fucking great

20% burnout
20% jock
30% nerd
100% retard

Brain and jock

20% burnout
30% skill
20% jock
30% concentrated power of will
and that's 100% reason to remember the name

brain, jock, weirdo

beast boy

I was the guy who took the picture for them and had to hear them laugh at me as I walked away.

>no people of color
Leave this garbage in the past where it belongs

>Which one were you?
i was the eyes and ears my friend.

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Take the worst traits of all five, put em together, and you've got me.

ringwald would probably agree with you

>Bender, ducks under the table where my character, Claire, is sitting, to hide from a teacher. While there, he takes the opportunity to peek under Claire’s skirt and, though the audience doesn’t see, it is implied that he touches her inappropriately. I was quick to point out to my daughter that the person in the underwear wasn’t really me, though that clarification seemed inconsequential. We kept watching, and, despite my best intentions to give context to the uncomfortable bits, I didn’t elaborate on what might have gone on under the table. She expressed no curiosity in anything sexual, so I decided to follow her lead, and discuss what seemed to resonate with her more. Maybe I just chickened out. But I kept thinking about that scene. I thought about it again this past fall, after a number of women came forward with sexual-assault accusations against the producer Harvey Weinstein, and the #MeToo movement gathered steam. If attitudes toward female subjugation are systemic, and I believe that they are, it stands to reason that the art we consume and sanction plays some part in reinforcing those same attitudes.

there was a scene where teacher sees hot bitch in school's pool, but ringwald bitched

>In the shooting script of “The Breakfast Club,” there was a scene in which an attractive female gym teacher swam naked in the school’s swimming pool as Mr. Vernon, the teacher who is in charge of the students’ detention, spied on her. The scene wasn’t in the first draft I read, and I lobbied John to cut it. He did, and although I’m sure the actress who had been cast in the part still blames me for foiling her break, I think the film is better for it.

Was it the point of the movie that none of the kids actually learned shit?

>a beauty

The point was, they turned against the Jews and found their heritage.

All the guys combined but more autistic

One of them is mexican, you racist. I for one love mr. estevez

The guy in the back is Jewish, actually.

I guess people are really complex because I'm definitely a mix of like 4 of them

They don't have an ugly retard on the group so none.



>never saw it
>girl says i remind her of one of the characters
>finally see it
>its the retarded virgin

It was a better, more civilized time

Fort Minor is the greatest rapper of all time

Of course they didn't learn anything
They were in a school

>burnout gets goth
>jock gets prep
>principal gets janitor
>nerd gets to write a paper

Based and blackpilled

The movie does feel incomplete without either a student that’s a literal retard or a Mexican that speaks zero English. And if this movie is ever updated with a remake then every actor needs to be at least 50 lbs heavier.

40% burnout
60% nerd


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