This is the EXACT moment Twin Peaks s2 became unwatchable garbage. Notice anything?

This is the EXACT moment Twin Peaks s2 became unwatchable garbage. Notice anything?

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Roastoids literally ruin everything

I’m torn cause Leland’s death is so kino but it ruins the fucking show. Ray Wise is a marvel

(((brock))) and (((rathborne)))?

I always thought the second half of season 2 was pretty bad but upon rewatching its not nearly as bad as I remember.

Its a lot more soapy and loses some of its charm, but it still has some great moments.

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They were really lost right after the death of Leland and had no clue where to go, but they started to drive things back in the right direction. Unfortunately, it ended right around the time it felt like it had direction again.

A few weeks later, Diane Keaton would direct the worst episode of anything in television history.

Yeah, thanks in part to Lynch. The second he comes back at the end the show really starts to build up again.

Its a bummer we never got the full series to fruition, but the return was just as good.

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a) she was a whoah
b) nobody is to blame except for network executives
c) everything except James' cheeky widow adventures was good and comfy

Does anyone have that guide to watching S1 and 2?

Here it is, I recommend all of it though.

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Twin Peaks was always unwatchable garbage lol.

only actual subhumans skip episodes.

You see the trend in a lot of shows.

Oh, I've seen the whole shebang many times, I just wanna skip the dubious ones on my next rewatch.

>only actual subhumans skip episodes

holy fucking based

sorry about that ADD, bro

that really is the worst fucking episode

For sure. I have always hated Diane Keaton and her fucking stupid hats and glasses, and after that I just wanted to kill her.

Share cool TP graphics, lads.

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the amount of straw grasping and straight up fabrication in this is hilarious

>Notice anything?
Yes. The picture of supposedly an EXACT moment is technically 2 moments spliced together.

Also explains why Star Wars and Star Trek have gone to shit too (that and all the other diversity hires). This period of time is really going to be one for the history books, full of so much cringe and 'what the fuck were they thinking' questions.

if your infographic, youtube video, or whatever, claims to know what Judy is or does, it's bullshit.

Couple of dog brained bitches

>finished season 2 yesterday
>cant find FWWM online only the missing pieces


The map and chronology of events is useful.

Yes, I'm aware that's a Chinese word which means explanation.

>chronology of events
>Judy controls Sarah
they're not events, they didn't happen.

Judy does control Sarah, though.

right, and judy is the white horse. get the fuck out.

Hey, I think I found out why Temple of Doom was so terrible as well

Attached: Temple of puke.jpg (1920x816, 191.18K)

I notice that you haven't had sex.