Prove me wrong

prove me wrong

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I knew this movie was going to be shit when the fist souless behind the scene photos came out.

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Didn't the Jar Jar actor kill himself because of this?

He thought about it because people hated Jar Jar. I have no problems with the guy or the character. Jar Jar was way better than anyone in Disney's Star Wars.

He was suicidal because people really hated Jar Jar, a character he pretty much came up with and was intensely proud of.

There's no other word to describe this image but "reddit". JJ is reddit, so reddit even reddit hates him.

Meant for

Yeah, went on a shooting spree at the local AMC on the premier night and shot himself in the end iirc

I feel bad for Ahmed Best and Kelly Marie Tran. They were both unknown actors who were offered starring roles on movies that were all but guaranteed to be the biggest of the year, and then those characters ended up being absolute shit. But realistically, what choice did they have? Were they going to turn down a role in Star Wars?

i feel like alot of actors are gonna turn down star wars roles now.

remember when captain silvertrooper got to be in 2 movies and she was just an awkward nothing both times? Remember how most of the principal cast said they don't want to be in star wars ever again especially boyega?

boyega is just a fag that rides the wave

The ST will be utterly forgotten. Yeah yeah I know that you are going to say that people used to say the same about the PT but think about it, the ST is just a bad copy of the OT, it doesn't adds ANYTHING new to the story or something of value. It doesn't have any potential to get better with the years in the minds of the people, as it has happened with the PT.

> she was just an awkward nothing both time
that's normal for mediocore TV actors. Why'd you think they'd jump at the chance to be a cameo in movies?

unfortunately, TLJ might be remembered forever.

That trailer seemed like a joke too

The trailer fro TFA didn't look bad at all, for me it looked even promising. The movie was good until the end when you realize is just a bad copy of ANH.

At least they're both not Jake Lloyd.

This. John Boyega was adamant in not wanting to be "Disney+"ed. The future of Star Wars apparently will be embedded in either cookie cutter crap or feminism, or both.

Nah it was all sour right off the bat man the first scene was so lame the whole thing was so lame they were so fixated on being like ot star wars that they didn't grasp the real reason why star wars was great was because it sparked your imagination people fixated on the character drama of star wars has been the most retarded aspect of prequel hate

i don't have to. for all the flaws of the prequels, at least they are soulful. George truly wanted to make more movies for the fans, not just because it would make him billions. He had his own vision, some of it stupid, and yeah he could have used a lot more constructive criticism, but he wanted to lay out his vision in his movies and he wasn't just doing it because Star Wars was going to make a lot of money.

Meanwhile, Disney bought star wars with one reason in mind; make a fuck ton of money, diversify the franchise for wider appeal, and empower women and whatever other agenda they had. Nothing else mattered, it didn't matter if the writing was a mess, if the story was just hobbled together with a bunch of scraps that made no sense, it didn't matter that there was no world building at all, that they didn't plan anything out and just winged it for three movies with disastrous results. They knew people were clamoring for more Star Wars, no matter how bad or good it was people would buy the product and consoom it.

Now Star Wars is basically dead. An uninteresting husk of what it once was. The world is uninteresting, the characters are bland and forgettable. None of them are Iconic. More people will remember Jar Jar 30 years from now than remember a single character in any of the nu-wars movies. Disney invested billions in this to and it has completely backfired. They invested billions in making a theme part to the setting of these new shitty movies and no one even cares, and why? Because the new movies have an uninteresting and lackluster world that fails to capture what made the original and prequel movies soulful.

Fuck Star Wars, and Fuck Disney. I hope Corona kills that whole company and forces them to sell Star Wars back to George where he can make the sequels non-canon and restart with his own vision again.

Sounds like a based guy. Hating on Jar Jar was the reddit-tier meme of the era, literally just in-group signaling retardation.

>the movie was good until the end

dude, like just turn off your brain!
Reminder that starkiller base can somehow fire over tens of thousands of lightyears instantaneously. Reminder that its laser and explosions on planets that are thousands of light years away from each other can somehow be seen in the sky throughout the galaxy for some reason. Reminder that somehow the Republic's entire capital planet system is all within close orbit of each other, 5 planets literally closer to each other than the earth and moon are. Reminder that JJ doesn't understand the vast distances of space in any way, did he understand what lightspeed was in star wars.

Seriously, look at this garbage.

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Oh, and yeah it's even worse when you watch this. Han and all these other aliens are on a completely different planet no where near starkiller base, no where near the republic planets (Hosian Prime lol, the only world building they ever did in this shit movie was name a planet and show a 5 second glimpse of it).

Yet somehow, they look up in the sky, which is also conveniently looking right towards these planets thousands of lightyears away, and they see the light through a bright sunny day of atmosphere even though they're on another fucking planet! THOUSANDS OF LIGHTYEARS AWAY!

Yes, JJ and his crew edited this shit and thought it was just fine and OK! Fucking retards

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Ironically, for as shit as it was, TLJ is
probably the best of the three.

You are right about all of that but I also have to say that Star Wars has never be about accurate science, it's more a fantasy movie.

Not to mention the fact that something so pivotal and galaxy changing is basically given a 1 minute montage and never mentioned again

This. TLJ had soul.

and I maintain that not just because of this scene, but many other garbage scenes in TFA that it's actually the worst of all the star wars movies. It's worse than Phantom Menace. It's worse than Attack of the Clones. Seriously.

At least TLJ has some artistic merit, at least it has some decent material buried in a pile of shit. Actually I take that back, the third movie was actually the worst.

Yeah, that's because it has zero world building. This is the death of the republic yet it's a completel footnote in the sequel movies. No one even mentions it or remembers what happened, literally a mass genocide killing countless billions of people is forgotten instantly.

Who is that guy? He looks cool, don't giving a fuck about anything and just chilling smoking his water pipe.

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I agree completely.

Rian might have made a bad movie, but the dude does have some artistic merit, some skill at cinematography. There are some nice shots in TLJ, the writing is dog shit, but there's some nice stuff still buried in that movie.

JJ on the other hand is a hack and a fraud. He made one decent thing in his career; the Lost pilot. Maybe Cloverfield as well, that's about it.

Remember when the Death Star had to get within firing range of Alderan and the moon the rebel base was on? They couldn't just fire the laser through all of outer space into whatever they wanted.

Yeah, and that's the thing about star wars, the original movies, and the prequels to a lesser extend, you can easily suspend your disbelief for the fantasy elements of the show, but the sequels push me way too far with the bullshit they want me to accept.

It shows a serious lack of thought by the writers, and that offends me as a viewer because scenes like the starkiller base scene in TFA are a complete insult to the viewer's intelligence. It's like the writers were so incompetent, so ignorant that they didn't even bother to understand what exactly they were doing.

I'm fine with some gigantic space laser thing firing across a galaxy and blowing up some planets, BUT YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT MAKE SENSE! You have to at least put SOME effort into making the sequence tolerable.

Old good. New bad.
So you're right.

He did that shit in Star Trek too

it had the soul of an evil retarded gremlin. it trades incompetent stupidity for malicious fuckery.