Will the HBO series be kino?

Will the HBO series be kino?

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Based jews representing trannies

fuck woman

Kill yourself faggot scum

>second story is about UFOs

Wow great source you got there, poltard.

Powerful. Brave. Inspiring.

So they literally acknowledged grannies Trannies are not feminine. Baste.

Reminder that this character isn't even a tranny and were're supposed to believe that it's a woman
Also she kills Joel and you play as her during the second half.

liberals ruin everything. fuck them to hell

Trannies stay winning.

Living under a rock, eh?

>The 41% of Us

She was also about to slit the ugly Jewess' neck before Ellie tells her she's pregnant

Everyone knows about Druckmann, but did you know the co-lead is a Jewish transgender pedophile?

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Wow that's a relief, I was almost worried they had forgotten one of the "core pillars" of videogames: diversity

>liberals ruin everything.
Yes. Love ruining your life!

Why do they kill off Joel?

Holy shit, get a load of this faggot!

You know why. She beats him to death with a golf club. They couldn't even let him go out with dignity.

I get the lesbian bit but where do you that he/she/it is trans?

right wing hysteria about trannies and their murderous hatred for them has done more to accelerate trans acceptance than anything liberals could ever do. Good job fellas

i'd be insulted by this if i were trans

they 2000's called

they want their zombie movies back

They kill off Joel because he's a white male and Jesse because he's only the game to knock up Ellie's bisexual gf. The only male character left by the end is the tranny's Vietnamese slave labor boy sidekick.

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Eh, I never really like Naughty Dog anyway.

>trying to appease a tiny group of suicidal freaks
>alienate the remaining 99.9% of the playerbase in the process

Totally worth it

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Kill yourself faggot scum

Watch the news dude, lol.

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Also the Vietnamese slave boy is trans not the woman that kills joel

She's a lesbian woman. And where you get that pedophile thing from? Mentally ill /po/tard.

This game is gonna be so trash, jesus Christ.
Are they trying to have a mass effect Andromeda?.

idk if this is bait or not but let's just hope it is cause if not you're mentally retarded bro...

>that kike ran off hennig for this

to piss off fans of the 1st game

If you can't tell by the avatar, you need to improve your transdar. He tweets about it all the time too.

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How do you deal with SJW infestation in videogames?.
Is it too late?:

The pic was too small, but thats a man's forehead.

Yes. Stop playing western games.

I guess the leak was for the better if you think that we saved ourselves from immense disappointment and now naughtydog won't get anywhere near as many sales. Is that why the german uploaded it? To show everyone the degenracy they hid in the game and were saving to surprise us? Based german.

is that the asian one from the hanging trailer who gets an arm smashed? thought that was a girl