Anything of the trolley dears?

Anything of the trolley dears?

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I'd like to order a butt

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one dose of /r/livestreamfails, two /r/dramas, and all the Yas Forums you’ve got


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Yeah luv, I'll have a pint. And a pint for everyone who posts in this thread.

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Why didn't Frodo just take the train to Mount Doom?


it's "off" you stupid bitch
you know what, nevermind, I might get fucking poisoned having your ridiculous every flavour beans, next time get some normal sweets you colossal dickhead

If the trolley woman gets your order wrong your meal is free

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do we ever find out who “Thalot” is? seems odd they say some guys name then cut to them eating candy

Unbearably based

Yes, I would like to take the whole lot of brand items from your magically replenishing candy trolley

>magically replenishing
it's not


>how much for your little clam

Why do wizards make such terrible candy? Gross jelly beans and chocolate frogs that run away. Is that really the best you can come up with when you have magic?

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cheers mate

Good on ya cobber

Wizards seem to all be masochists. Fred and George’s gag products could literally kill people and be used as weapons.

>J.K. Rowling's worldbuilding is garbage
>nearly all fantasy authors don't think through the full implications of what magic would do to the world
Old news

kek based

good man aye

I'm sure Rowling didn't think this far, but half of Wizard culture doesn't make any goddamn sense unless you assume that wizards are just naturally more tough and hard to kill than muggles.
Like, the most popular sport is about balancing on tiny thin sticks traveling at high speeds with no safety equipment and heights where a fall would be instantly fatal. And they have their school children working with wild animals the size of bears and their schools have staircases that randomly move with no warning over massive pits

Well they do have spells and magic potions

that wouldn't help if somebody dies instantly from landing on their head from 5 stories in the air or gets their neck bitten off by a griffon or their body gets crushed to paste by a massive stonestaircase flattening them against a wall

Shit taste, either 15 years old or literally retarded

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jesus look at those MEATY hands

They literally have healing magic

put that old muff on a plate, dear.

Their healing magic sucks ass, it takes a long time to even heal broken bones.

My nigga, my nigga, my nigga.

Mad lad

No it doesn't, their healers can mend broken bones rapidly.

lol this

>literally no candy that tastes like pusy
>no mommy milkies flavor
>nothing that tastes like the pits of the wizard qt in your potions class
wtf is even the point of magic

It takes time to regrow bones, not fix them. Madam Pomfrey literally says she can mend a broken bone in an instant but it'll take overnight to regrow Harry's arm bones after Lockhart botches his own healing attempt.
I think "overnight" isn't bad for regrowing your entire arm.


It says EVERY flavour. Why would you claim there isn't that flavour?