Advanced alien race works under a monarchy

>advanced alien race works under a monarchy

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Makes sense depending on how its explained.

> Yes I do serve the king of mars, how could you tell?

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>killing the "queen" insta-kills all the aliens because hivemind™

Under a monarchy, there isn't so much indecision. King says "build some rockets, we're conquering the stars," and it gets done. Not this bullshit we have where funding has to get approved, and people argue about that, and then more people argue about how to use the funding, and so on

Rather have a chance at a good king than nearly 100 years of shitty presidents.

>the king/queen of an entire planet
that's probably one of the dumbest cliches in sci fi

>king is free to cuck you however he wants to get his rocket money
>his shit rocket fails because he ignored his advisors

Sorry user the last good president was Polk. So nearly 150 years

And sho on

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As The King of Terra I feel insulted by your post

>advanced alien race
>not a direct democracy


Come on user hes admitted to being a cuck, theres nothing Chad about him

>aliens are all defined by a single phenotype (i.e. they are ALL lizards or they are ALL squid looking)
>humans are all physically diverse

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Nothing wrong with that trope. A technologically advanced society can still be politically primitive, see: asians

>advanced alien race runs on all fours

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I don't know, I admire Teddy Roosevelt. At least since Wilson they've all sucked. Maybe Coolidge had some admirable qualities.

>his awesome rocket propels you into the the stars and you easily dominate the universe under the guidance of a great leader

>monarchy is politically primitive
How? A dedicated leader born and raised for the role is better than some dork the mob enstates on a whim every few years.

It works when they're insectoids.

>race of highly intellectual eggheads
>race of big retarded brutes (but with spaceships somehow)
>race of shady backstabbing scumbags
>ancient race of spiritual totemfuckers
>humans have a bit of everything

It's entirely possible that they're a scientifically advanced but very culturally conservative people which is why they never got rid of a monarchistic system. The real question is whether it's a parliamentary or absolute monarchy.

That's the most effective form of government. The French Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Based and redpilled and fuck every retarded insult-thesaurus parrot who calls everyone they disagree with 'reactionary' then has the absolute fucking balls to say liberalism isn't left wing

Honestly I like the Turians from Mass Effect and wish more alien races were portrayed like that
>highly militaristic state, the entire race is built around their all-encompassing armed forces
>citizenship is earned, not given and no one can be turned down in trying
>government as a result is extremely meritocratic, you make your way up the ladder through your service
>if you're demoted, the disdain is not on you but on the person who previously promoted you as it shows you weren't ready for that position yet and they lapsed in government when promoting you
>extremely devoted to the idea of civic duty and participation in the betterment of the nation

It's basically the federation from Starship Troopers, I wouldn't be surprised if tthat was the direct inspiration fot them.

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>lapsed in government
lapsed in judgement, I meant

>alien race
>talks american

>>highly militaristic state, the entire race is built around their all-encompassing armed forces

gets btfo by primitive human monkeys

>space soviets

>gets btfo
You might want to read up on how the First Contact War went down. It was only a war on our end, the Turian government barely responded and while they did lose, there were only like 600 people lost on each side before the Citadel were told they had to stop fighting. It's why the Turian refer to it as the Relay 314 Incident instead of a war.

Didn't they win the battle of Shanix?

Yes then the human 2nd Fleet arrived and prepared for full-scale war before the Citadel intervened and told everyone to calm their tits when all thise started over a misunderstanding (that humans didn't know it's forbidden to activate shut down relays)