
What is the power level ranking in this show?

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Kill yourself gay

Based anti faggot hive mind

Gannicus is the apex gladiator

saw it in college for the tits and simulated sex
fight scenes were eh and things went to shit by season 3

fuck me gay

>it's a redditfag outs himself episode.

Pre injury Crixus
Post injury Crixus
Good Solonius


Attached: in laws amirite.png (445x487, 432.62K)

Incredibly incorrect

Post yours.

And what of good Solonius?

Spartacus=Pre injury Crixus
Post injury Crixus

Spartacus (Thraex style)
Spartacus (Dimachaerii style)
Marcus Crassus
Based Lugo
Good Solonius
Lesser gladiators
Gladiators that did not survive training
Power gap
Roman shits

she looks exactly like my high school crush who had a similar german last name

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What of Good Solonius?

swap sparty and pre-crixus and this is 100%

Good list but doctore could 2v1 crixus and Spartacus

nope, by end of vengance sparty showed could go 1v1 with Gannicus, who even admited he considered them about equal, then doctore gets BTFO by the syrian who in turn gets completely rektd by Gannicus, and so logically Gannicus=/=Sparty>Doctore

you mean the egyptian. who stole my wife
out from under me

You have to balance that with Doctore getting run through by Theokolese and Crixus and especially Sparty having not yet realised their full potential, Doctore also kicked their asses largely because they were stepping on eachother's toes, fighting eachother to try and get a hit in on him.

spartacus is a movie you fucking rere

>reading about the rebellion
>doctore was actually a gaul

>only ties with Spartacus
>get shit on by Egyptian and has to be saved by based black man
>only kills Egyptian after he was wounded by said black man
>doesn't even get to die a warriors death and instead crucified

uh yea the gyptian

he fucking annihilated the egyptian, and doctore saved him the same way you save the person you take a bullet for

maybe, thats the thing they were named by the style they used, so while their so some proof spartacus was thracian its entirely possible he was just called Spartacus the Thraex because that was his gladiator style

He was literally knocked down and defenseless by the Egyptian and was about to eat shit and die until Doctore came in and saved him. Doctore also gave the guy a nasty wound on the stomach before dying. Gannicus only could kill the fuck after that. Meanwhile the short fight Spartacus had with the Egyptian he BTFO of him until reinforcements saved the guy. Spartacus is literally the only person who fought the Egyptian and one sidedly beat him back.

he was fighting like 4 guys at once and the egyptian blind sided him

I watched this with my girlfriend. She gasped the first time Crixus' cock appeared on screen

The funny part is even now after so many historical records have been proven to be bullshit and while living through a time of some of the most fake bullshit passed off as "truth", people still give credence to these stories. I'm sure half this shit written thousands of years ago is myth or some neckbeard of his time fanficking his favorite sports star.

The real Spartacus was probably some kind of chaos agent working for Roman nobles who stoked the flames of upheaval to get Romans to buy into their warmongering.

>went to shit by season 3
i don't understand this meme, rewatched it recently and season 3 holds up very well

If he were actually Thracian it's unlikely he would have been allowed to fight under the Thraex style for fear of stirring up Thracian nationalist/anti-roman sentiment.

The Roman army needs an enemy, friendo.

uh no, that was the point, gladiator styles usual represented some enemy of rome

Gannicus admits that Spartacus is his equal with the two swords, but better with spear. By Gannicus's own admission, Spartacus is better.

>The real Spartacus was probably some kind of chaos agent working for Roman nobles who stoked the flames of upheaval to get Romans to buy into their warmongering.
cool interpretation. and i always did wonder how tf spartacus managed to keep his campaign going for what appears to be ~2 whole years before finally being culled

>The 3rd Servile War was an inside job
that might be the best most retarded conspiracy theory i've heard in a while, I like it

this makes me really want to rewatch Vengeance now which i retardedly skipped on my last revisit

Because like in the show they sent a bunch retards with shit armies to stop him

Maybe my deeply cynical brain from years of reading behind the scenes CIA Spec Ops shit is to blame, but I read the wiki page of the Third Servile War and couldn't help but picture some rich Roman asshole paying off Spartacus (like Crassus) to start a fucking war just so he had a reason to draw up armies behind him and seize power. The real Sparatacus was probably a big dumb guy who knew how to fuck shit up but who went completely behind a desk once things started to heat up.

I swapped them a few times. It was a tough call.

>you "may" stand my equal with the sword
Gannicus would never go so far as say someone was his true equal, thats the closest he got

Right, but you wouldn't put a guy you're expecting to win in that style thereby proving that Rome is inferior.