Bad actors in good movies

Bad actors in good movies

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He acted pretty well in this movie. I know oscars are cringe but he won one in this move. Think before you post cringe beta cuck

If anything, he's the greatest part of the movie

no shit. The thread is bad actors in good movies. How could it be a good movie if the star acted bad?

The guy who wrote this book also wrote one Rugrats episode. He killed himself before the movie came out.

Cage in the bad lieutenant remake

>the nick cage is a bad actor

Any time someone brings this up in conversation I know they know nothing about movies.

yeah no

well its message worked because it got me to stop drinking awhile ago

>raising arizona
>leaving LV
what else?

It's just zoomers who only know Cage for all the shlock he's done in the 2000s to pay for his comic book addiction

i dare you to watch this and retain your opinion

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>his feeble mind can't comprehend nouveau shamanic acting

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Also Bales Batman sounds like he has throat cancer and he's a tacticool douchebag. The villains carried all three movies. Prove me wrong please.

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8MM was Kino

I see you listen to Cumtown

Lord of War

Right because he's done some bad movies for cash means he's a bad actor. So Brando sucks because of Island of Dr. Moreau and Deniro sucks because of Meet the Parents. Got it.

Lord of War
The Weather Man
Matchstick Men
Wild at Heart


Nepotism defined

The Rock
Con Air (KINO)
Face/Off (KINO)
Snake Eyes
Gone in 60 Seconds
National Treasure
Drive Angry
The Frozen Ground

All very good and underappreciated. Havent seem much of his newer stuff tho

>face book
>nic cage sucks!!!

>Nic cage rules (ironically) Hes so bad he's good XD

>Cage always gives 100% in every movie and is interesting to watch even if the movie itself isn't all that good

I liked the 1 when he's a truck driver named Joe

putting those two fun facts side by side makes it seem that youre implying he killed himself because he wrote an episode of the rugrats

Think "Normally bad actor in a good movie for once".

Adam Sandler in Punch Drunk Love and Uncut Gems. He's surprisingly talented.

I don't think Sandler was ever a bad actor, he just makes a lot of movies for kids

why not just title it "bad actors good performances"

Kick ass was alright
National Treasure and NT2 are kino

Most of his movies aren't made for kids, though they do have the maturity level of that.

It could be a bad actor giving a bad performance in an otherwise good movie.

Sandler makes movies to impress his own kids and trick people into sending him on vacations. He's a genius.