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Probably this time next year since corona delays and idek which season they film in

A sequel isn't really necessary, and probably won't be very good. Guadagnino could do an unrelated homokino.

Why do women bother with short hair?

In a hospital bed dying of aids

Would the plot be their last days in the hospital as they die from AIDS

Kill yourself faggot scum

this looks gay

Reminder sneed, coomer and soijack posters are discord trannies.

I wanna kiss timothee

Kill yourself faggot scum

armie is so OLD and UGLY i don't want him anywhere near timothee again.........

>Guadagnino could do an unrelated homokino.
yes pls i want more gay

Kill yourself faggot scum

Kill yourself faggot scum

Calm down, Armie.

Eh, this movie was mediocre.

Kill yourself faggot scum

sequel would be terrible, honestly. who wants to watch ellio get aids? Way to take a fun gay romance and turn it to just gay gayness for gay fags.

The only benefit would be maybe more armie hammer being cuddly.

was this pushed back because of corona virus?

i don't think they started filming yet :(

Kill yourself faggot scum


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why did they pick this kike

If it holds true to the book, it isnt gonna be very good.
Oliver and Elio dont get together again in any meaningful way until they're 37 and 44. Oliver leaves his wife and kids for Elio after the kids go to college
Its legit one of the saddest chapters of any book iv read. Amazing final paragraph:
>Twenty years was yesterday, and yesterday was just earlier this morning, and morning seemed light-years away.
>“I’m like you,” he said. “I remember everything.”
>I stopped for a second. If you remember everything, I wanted to say, and if you are really like me, then before you leave tomorrow, or when you’re just ready to shut the door of the taxi and have already said goodbye to everyone else and there’s not a thing left to say in this life, then, just this once, turn to me, even in jest, or as an afterthought, which would have meant everything to me when we were together, and, as you did back then, look me in the face, hold my gaze, and call me by your name.
Kinda worth mentioning that its special because prior to that moment, Elio was under the impression Oliver had mostly forgot about the details of their tryst.

They only officially announced it a few weeks ago... So its not even in pre-production right now. I dont think it'll be in theatres any sooner than 2023...

Disgusting faggot shit.

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It won't be based on the book.

I dont think armie would be involved if they decided to add a significant aids(or just allude to aids) aspect to the movie. He said the thing that really attracted him to the film was the fact that "no one pays for being gay. No one is sick, or dealing with bullies, or thrown out of their family for being gay"
And desu, thats kinda a reason why i love the film. I'm sick of seeing so many gay movies that wedge homophobia or ilness into the plot. Yeah, its realistic and true to the time... but god fucking dammit, its nice to NOT see it one gay film. At this point, its almost lazy/cliched.
CMbYN is beautiful, heart breaking, and memorable without having to add those elements, and its a nice escape to gays who maybe dont want that element of their life or community jammed into their face.
If blacks can have movies that dont CONSTANTLY play into their history of slaves, or jews with the holocaust, why cant gays have some drama or story arch that does not revolve around them being victims of disease or bigotry.

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Sounds like someones trying to hide something about themselves.
You know this is an user board, right? You dont need to protest or hide so much. If you really hated it as much as you claim, you'd sooner just avoid the thread, right? But it excites you, and thats why you're reading everything, and responding to let everyone know you're TOTALLY NOT nursing a huge erection right now... And you're not fooling anyone.

Those elements are realistic, but they are also not all encompassing. I don't get mad at films or their creators who include tragic elements to gay plot lines, particularly when they're not about aids or homophobia as a whole (like they managed to do with voltron), but its nice to see a film that is really just about a comfy relationship. It has no real value beyond that, its not really 'art' its not really significant, its barely really a story.

It's just a comfy memory of a nice relationship.

Are Luca Guadagnino and Vinny Guadagnino related?

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>It's just a comfy memory of a nice relationship.
You watch the same movie? Elio is pretty much broken by the end. And in the book, it is lasting damage.(he claims to have had other people in his life who eclipsed oliver, but obviously thats just a "unreliable narrator" trope, since its pretty fucking clear he is obsessed with Oliver, and even speaks earlier and later that he is the only person who he can happily die next to.

Dont get me wrong, i love the story, but i see it as a tragic tale, and if you analyse it even a bit, its about elio being self destructive by going after Oliver even after oliver makes it clear its not a good idea.. but hes relentless, and eventually Oliver gives in(In the movie it looks like it was after 2 days. In the book its atleast a week of consistent effort)... And again, it breaks Elio because Oliver refuses to commit)

Someone plz answer.

>why cant gays have some drama or story arch that does not revolve around them being victims of disease or bigotry
because straight people are uninterested unless they're fujos


That's about as nice as a relationship can be, honestly. I don't care much what the book says, it's not like harry potter where they add more information to the tale on the screen, the book and movie are separate products here.

And yeah, its sad that it ends, but thats just how relationships go. I may be a bit biased because I was a child of the military, I traveled a lot and all of my romances were flings, and its sad when a relationship ends but that doesn't make them tragic.

For me, I think the most telling moment is the end of the movie, Where ellio comes in dancing. He wasn't keen on dancing before and didn't seem to have particular interest in modern music. Part of his relationship with Oliver was taking parts of him that he appreciated and incorporating them into himself. It seemed to say to me that, yes, it is sad that they had different expectations and desires out of the relationship, but he ultimately walked away changed in a good way from it.

forgettable gay romance

And to clarify, most of this hinges on the fact that there was nothing to commit to. Even Ellio talks about how they wasted so much time, because that time is very limited. There is no relationship to have beyond those moments. This isn't like today with the internet and open minded parents. What they had legitimately couldn't work, hell it wouldn't even work today.

The relationship didn't end because oliver refused to commit, it ended because summer ended.