What did we think of Hereditary Yas Forums???? Horror kino or garbage????

What did we think of Hereditary Yas Forums???? Horror kino or garbage????

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Overly derivative mediocrity. It's far from the worst thing in the world, but film twitter and reddit overrate the fuck out of it

Way too silly at the end, but pretty good.

it’s kino

More like Redditary.

It really scared the shit out of me because I have a bad relationship with my mom

It was fine, but it was definitely blown way out of proportion. Good performances and a decent script, everything more or less saved up for a third act turn (except for one or two things); it was fine. Definitely overhyped though. To the point where it really just points out how much everything is usually garbage so when something comes along that isn't, people go apeshit. 6 or 7 out of 10 in terms of story; somewhat higher in terms of acting.

Boring garbage with a couple good scenes.

The cult and host stuff went right over my head

It's weird. It's like someone wrote a very depressing family drama thing that made the test screening all kill themselves so they had to tack a goofy demon subplot onto it after the fact.

>when he wakes up and you can barely make out his mom clinging to the ceiling of his bedroom

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Typical nu-horror garbage

So the whole fucking plot?

Really depressing story with a single peak when that retarded kid got decapitated. Apart from that, 100% forgettable

fuck yourself tourist.

I really liked The Witch so I never really grasped all the A24 hate then like a month ago I got around to watching Hereditary and I got it.
Good movie, definitely has elements that lend itself to people overreaching in the article of analysis. Too bad about the Satan meme cult at the end.
Sort of like The Babadook, although Hereditary is probably the better film.

really liked it. reminds me of my own family

saw this with my mom, she fell asleep.

its a top tier flick, but thats mostly because the bar is so low for horror. most horror movies are absolute trash


Absolute kino if everyone in your family suffers from clinical depression.

t. didn't get it either but watched an explanation video and thinks he knows his shit

>the rapid fire gasps throughout the otherwise dead-quiet theatre when everyone realized she was right fucking there

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it's kino, i think everyone was expecting the autistic child to stay longer and play a different part. It wasn't MAH SLOWBURN it was pretty depressing and awful throughout the whole movie.
>twitter and reddit like it, therefore bad
too many hipsters on this board.

mfw she scuttles across the ceiling silently when kid is looking out the window

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I found it incredibly difficult to take seriously.

imo 'Horror' movies are a very American phenomenon - garish, obtuse, presumptuous of the fact that anyone cares about religious tropes or their subversion (which is essentially the core of the film).

The scenes in particular with the telegraph pole, and the levitating mother were just absurd. How did you all not laugh?

>twitter and reddit like it, therefore bad
I didn't say that, I said they overrate the fuck out of it. I also didn't say it was bad, I said it was mediocre

Said it before and I'll say it again:

First 2/3rds are absolute pure kino. The tension and the awkwardness of the death and the family trying to cope and remain a unit because they're forced to is just great.

Then Ari goes babby's first horror on us by injecting every lame ass cliche trope he can. Old lady witches? A cult? Possession? Gore for no reason? An ending that doesn't make sense? Come on dude.

Frankly, you cut everything supernatural out of the film and it would have been as stellar as people claim it is.

THAT was a great shot. Everything after was goofy as shit.

this scene was kino honestly

>when she has the dream of going in her sons room and he wakes up
>shows son
>mom what are you doing
>shows mom
>shows son covered in paint thinner
>shows mom, lit match


She deep down knew she had to kill her kids to prevent it all

Slashers have no pretense to being kino -- Hereditary is moral torture porn. The girl's allergic anaphylaxis at the party and death are the sole horrifying features of the film. It's milquetoast Excorcist left on a cliffhanger. Killing of a Sacred Deer is identical, but delivers the goods.