Imagine looking like this lmao

Imagine looking like this lmao

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peak performance

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3/10 elbows not pointy enough


i look like this lmao

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>tfw shit genetics
Unironically what is the point to even bother going forward.

My life would be a bit different

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I imagine it every time I look in the mirror fag

If you could choose, would you look like Cavill or Hemsworth?

It's not like he can really enjoy it since it's only while hes filming and training all day. Hes average sized when hes not training for a movie

Hemsworth. Easy

He’s just cooler

He is so dorky looking but I'm not sure why. It's like his face is too short or something

You literally couldn’t fail in life

cavill, blondes are low test

Hemsworth has 5/10 facial aesthetics but Cavill has a fat man body and baby hands. I'd honestly prefer to just look like myself and be rich

Yas Forums is nothing but failures so thats not true

Hemsworth is a natural Chad. Cavill is a like if someone studied how to be a Chad and was lucky enough to be handsome.

Yas Forums is nothing but dyels they look nothing like that

>5/10 facial aesthetics

Come the fuck on

>Hemsworth has 5/10 facial aesthetics
the internet has become a silly place

>Hemsworth has 5/10 facial aesthetics

Chris just looks like a generic Australian dude

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>Cavill is a like if someone studied how to be a Chad and was lucky enough to be handsome.
Because he is exactly that

Nothing would actually happen. You would psychologically adjust to everything you gain from looking like that and would eventually be back to squar one, this is the same with everything. There is no perfect experience to have. Stop not appreciating what you already have, for the sake of your wellbeing.

He is mentally retarded, it's who no one wants him in serious works.

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>eveyon’ looks laahk chris hea wanka
>hes leehtrul meh eh

Seethe more.

Hes incredibly average looking in the face, he just has nice hair, is fit and has blue eyes. His bone structure is shit by leading man standard

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Are you fucking kidding?
>people constantly praise/swoon over you
>more access to jobs
>hotter partners

The list goes on and on. Yeah, you’d get used to it but good looking people are objectively treated better

Hemsworth is based af, he only lives 10 minutes away from me and