How can I get a Korean or Japanese girlfriend as a stinky pajeet?

How can I get a Korean or Japanese girlfriend as a stinky pajeet?

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>How can I get a Korean or Japanese girlfriend as a stinky pajeet?
it will never happen.


become any other race that is not specifically not indian/subcontinental

use your 2020 superpooper powers

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>as a stinky pajeet?
Imagine the smell

It's impossible. They have standards, they only date whites and their own race.

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That lady from Parasite was super cute

all the same self-improvement tips that other races should follow.

also, eat less curry. I assumed that it was a false and racist stereotype, that Indians smell of curry, until I joined a gym with a few desi looking members. all of them had BO that smelt strongly of curry. Not in an appetizing way either. I could smell them from one or two machines over.

how do i get a pajeet gf as a whitoid?

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Claim to be Italian American. They can't tell the difference and will fall on your Dick

>become any other race that is not specifically not indian/subcontinental
Basically This.

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just bee yourself

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obsessed nord cuck

What is wrong with their faces?

No chance of getting good looking one unless you are an indian who looks like this.asian women are even more racist than white chicks.

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Korean women are evil

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Pretend to be a yoga guru/cult leader
Women throw themselves at you if you act like you know some gay esoteric shit

>It's impossible. They have standards, they only date whites and their own race.
Fuck off, chink. My Chad Tamilbro had several girlfriends in Japan.

Huh? Calm down bro, I'm just giving good advice to my desi bro. I know a Pakistani who just told Chinese exchange students he was Spanish to get blowjob's. Don't be a hater.

Tell them you're a descendant of the Buddha or something, that you need to practice meditation breathing techniques on their snatches
If there's one thing that unites humanity it's the uniform stupidity of women of all races

Claim to be a tantric love good, to be sexually enlightened and light fraud for online dating.

>t. successful pajeet with a yellow fever

My greatest victory is feeding several yellow girls my cum in a curry haha. They loved it!

pakis and spaniards are easily distinguishable.

I'd fuck her, but she's an ugly big headed freak. Too much confidence

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bad larp

i am south korean. i think you can have a big chance in japan. i heard some jap girls have a thing for indian dudes. and overall, indian culture is kinda popular in japan.

>Seething chang in denial

I have personally CURRIED over 9 yellow girls.

prove it you must have conversations on internet with them.

This but as a biracial blasian (Jamaican/Filipino)? Please list it out in steps I can take.

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It's amazing Indians procreate at all.
They are remarkably physically undesirable.
Is sex just like 100% rape in India?

Ok here is one:

>Hey sexy girl wanna disgrace your race and get some BIG DESI DICK??
>OHHH yessu prease mister superior India man, i rooove you!

There you go.

>its remarkable that undesirable people procreate with other undesirable people

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What you can do is trick your way into becoming an english teacher in an asian country and get all the girls excited about the new foreign teacher because they'll assume you're white and then they see you're a gross brown person that isn't even taller than any of them and some of them will commit suicide

I’m dating a flip girl right now. She’s like top 10 one of the stupidest retards I’ve ever met but goddamn she rides the dick scooter.

all the attractive indian people are recruited into bollywood at an early age and then live in secluded condo buildings and gated communities with bodyguards because otherwise they'd all be raped to death by the normal ones

it varies by caste the more attractive ones are north west indians with more caucasoid admixture.

I'm South Korean. I'll tell you from the point where I was dating Korean and Japanese girls. Both Korean and Japanese girls are shallow and materialistic in different ways. But to be sure, Japanese girls are less racist, less demanding. you have to be more concerned with personal grooming and need to be a more careful boyfriend. Anyway, the easiest way is sadly that you have a good job or a decent social status.