I served in Afghanistan

>I served in Afghanistan

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>He didn't serve in Afghanistan

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>serving in the Jew corps


>I served in Vietnam

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>I served in the Napoleonic Wars

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>I served in WW2
Oh, thank you for your serv-
>as the side who lost...

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fuck you yankee

no sir I'm from kentucky

Empire or coalition?

>I'm from the Midwest

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i'm not talking about people from the south

Based Farrel poster

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Joining the military after 9/11 isnt nearly as embarassing as joining in 2003 to go to Iraq because Cheney tricked

>I served in the Continental Army

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true iraq is way more cringe

>"I served two tours in Iraq"
>"holy shit dude I just asked if you're using credit or debit"

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Do American ex-military really do shit like this?


Thank you for preserving the American dream

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Sadly. Our Golems never shut up.

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All the fucking time. Always late 30s early 40s. I went in the navy to pay for school. Who fucking cares.

>I served in Afghanistan
>For al-Qaeda

It's kinda funny how the military faggots are getting their normie adoration and worship stolen by health and service workers.
Those dumb welfare queens must be seething without their daily "Thank you for your service."

>soldiers are welfare queens

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I had a coworker who made it a point to bring it up any moment he could. Like someone would mention how hot it was outside and he would start talking about how hot it was in Iraq 15 years ago. Hope he's dead.


Yeah it's what happened when they started calling all ex-military vets post-WW2

I served in the Sino-American war of 2022. I was there when we raised the Stars and Stripes over the Forbidden City and I watched Beijing burn through the hazy smog. We wandered through their streets for months on end, killing them like rats in their holes. After we sunk their navy and had control of the skies we started using gas. You see someone higher must have figured out that so long as they couldn’t gas Americans on American soil, we would be safe to gas the Chinks in their backyard. And we were. If anything moved, we gassed it. Factories, trenches, offices even orphanages. I remember watching a thin chink drag himself across the floor leaving a trail of blood. We rolled him over and his stomach was peppered with buckshot, his wound looked like it was breathing and pulsing. I reached down and took off his face covering before putting my pistol between his eyes. ‘Any last words?’ I asked. The chinaman smiled and coughed before slowly tilting his head up. ‘B-b-b-buuirt for bbc’

Empire, of course

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They think they're heroes for being willing to die so Halliburton can have a bigger profit margin next quarter kek