What's some art-hoe core films?

What's some art-hoe core films?

Only one that comes to mind is eternal sunshine.

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scott pilgrim, also why does giga chad look so sad?


he has a brainless art-hoe latching onto him like a leech and wants nothing to do with her
he just wants to be at home watching kino

There are people who unironically think OP's pic is a chad..? His face has no real objectively rare or 'alpha' features other than the sharpness of th e jaw and chin size. His eyes are terribly angles, his nose is totally average, his hair isn't european - it's rough and straight, therefore unappealing to white women.. I dunno. I'm SURE he gets plenty but.. that is not a chad.

t. about 38 sex partners at 25

>when 38 sex partners at 25 is something to brag about

I just realized how much of a manwhore I am. This isn't something that should be celebrated user...

How many STDs so far? don't be ashamed. I got hpv (like everyone in history) and recently genital herpes

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Yeah, I’m at 23 Women and I’m 26. When I found out all of my friends, including females, are at most 11, I felt gross.

gigachad would never hug that gross whore, please tell me this is fake bros....

None. Got tested a month ago before the pandemic. I've worn a rubber every single time since my parents drilled that into me and I had my HPV shots. I've had sex with 27 tinder thots in total in the past two years and I'm 22 years old.

Same. I'm just completely over sex at this point.

That is not a chad. He's li terally just tall and that's it. He even has awful triceps genetics despite lifting and cruising test. If you're not more appealing than him then.. uuh.. sorry bro lol life fucked you

nice blog faggots

bro for your own safety stop dissing gigachad. the last user to do so didn't make it out alive to tell the tale.

look at how old she made him. literal daddy issues

Ah the HPV vaccine wasn't as popular when I was around the age to get tested. 90% of people who get HP V clear it without incident anyways but yeah I have the dick herps LOL no one who I've told has cared tho ugh th ey're like.. "oh that sucks. You fuckin me or what" basically

I'm literally bigger than him but white and with a baby face. believe me bitches have LITERALLY threatened to kill themselves if I leave them. that mixed med-latino wwhatever mutt has nothing

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>this meme again

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>posting your ugly friend for insults
Not your personal army fgt

Is his face photoshopped? He looks retarded

dude why'd you post my power bottom. Not Cool.
He's deeply closeted, this shit can't get out.

the funny part is the guy in the pic literally is a power bottom (and I think a white supremacist schitzo too)

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oh no no no...user... you need to delete this

you can tell this dude is an incel who browses Yas Forums and can't understand why women ignore him

post body
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this is a gay porn star

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Those are rookie numbers my guy

t. about 80 sex partners at 27

fatties don't count. Consider that and tell me the new number. If fatties counted i'd be at like 130

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Posting pictures of this guy is super gay

God I wish I could attract an art hoe
or any woman at this point

>that plate number
Quick someone tell me what country this is

there are males (with actual XY chromosomes) that can't attract arthoes?
I suddenly feel overwhelmingly blessed holy shit. The only women I have trouble attracting are rich bitches

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russia, but i dont think gigachad is russian

yes, what retards ITT don't understand is that the girl in the pic is an artist who draws a hyper masculine caricature over pictures of her boyfriend. Giga chad is literally, unironically not real. He's an art project. Although unlike this retard suggests, he is precisely designed to be appealing to the artist who drew him.

Lady Bird
Wes Anderson stuff
Thelma and Louise

lol post body virgin.

blue is the warmest color