Kinos for this feel?

Kinos for this feel?

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I was reading "On Guerrilla Warfare" by Mao the other day.
I hate Chinese, but ngl, that book makes you want to die for the Chinese Commonwealth.
His understanding of war was great.

Red Dawn. The original of course.

What about films where the characters ignore the real villain?

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literally imagine how big the north american death toll will be

I don’t see anything wrong with communism, it’s supposed to prevent people from becoming greedy rich fuckers. There’s no class in the country and everyone is equal. It also means being innovative is useless. When you think of an idea, an invention, you become rich Off that idea. In communist countries, you can’t do that

>if I just keep posting my schizo misinfographics on Yas Forums conservatives will finally stop losing the culture war

Mao is a great example of how great generals and revolutionaries often don't make good rulers

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>indonesia genociding timor is america's fault

>I don’t see anything wrong with communism
It's inherently inhuman.

There wasn't even 50 million natives in U.S.A. at the time.

There are more now than there ever was before.
Genocide my fucking ass.

Good goy

No that's true, however you can become insanely rich in communist countries by running the state apparatus charged with taking property from everyone and executing those who refuse to give it up, which is undoubtedly, a lot more just and humane.

Cope, chapotranny

>great generals and revolutionaries often don't make good rulers
not really. i mean he made the same mistake Stalin made when changed the entire structure of production but china to this day is still built on that structure. also healthcare and social benefits were much better at his time than now.
remember that Tiananmen Square protests were during deng and a lot of them were due to the reforms made by deng. the chinese were protesting against changing mao's policies not because they loved him but because a lot of them benefited from them

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whats wrong getting hungry?

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>i mean he made the same mistake Stalin made
And then he kept making it worse, and worse, and worse, until he finally fucking died
>china is still built on that structure
No, like at all

>Vientnam War
>Korean War
This thing counts people killed by communists as part of the death toll of capitalism

tiananmen square was a product of growing wealth lifting people up to the point of being able to protest. when you're dirt poor and everybody's dying, you do what you can to survive the day. when you have a shred of prosperity you can start to ponder the legitimacy of your rulers.

It's scary to think that the current education system is so broken that it's creating legions of dumb people who'll swallow this.


there weren't 50 million, but there are definetly less now, especially since they all die of alcoholism before having kids

>communist guerillas shoot someone
>how could capitalism do this?

every day of quarantine is another day of parents learning to homeschool their kids. the loss in tax revenue is tearing governments apart, but losing the minds of children will really erode the foundation of their power

>Including things unrelated to Capitalism
>Using numbers most obviously fake than the Holocaust

>Nooo goy, you can't read about tactics to get rid of (((the ones))) who control you

>50 million native Americans
Oh yea? Was that Proven at Nuremberg?

Literally the only thing on that list you could attribute to capitalism itself is slavery. And communist nations still outnumber the US in modern slavery by the millions. Their death toll rises by the day.

Reading it from a guy who just wants you to do it so he can replace them and then make things ten times worse for you for shits and giggles, and worse, getting entranced by it is a pretty sure indication that you are, indeed, a good goy.
There is almost no more jewish history than the ascension of the commies in China even if they werent jews.

But modern capitalism rests on the very premise that humans can't enslave one another and have to pay for work